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3^0 DireFlims, &c. State IV.
joevcr thy hand jindeth tc do, do it with thy might; for
there is no work, nor know-edge, nor ’loi/dom in the
grave, whither thou goejl, Gal. vi. 10 As we have
therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, efpe- j1
dally unto them who are of the houfeho'.d of faith. If a I
pafienger, after lie is got on ihipboard, and the ihip is I
getting under fail, remember that he has omitted to I;
difpatch a piece of neceffary bufinefs when he waslj
afhore, it muft needs be uneafy to him; even fo reficc-|
tion in a dying hour, upon negledded feafons, and loft |
opportunities, cannot fail to difqcnet a Chriftian. ||
Wherefore, whatever is incumbent upon thee to do for j|
God’s honour, and the good of others; either as then
duty of i’.y ftation, or by fpecial opportunity put intol
thy hand, perform it feafbnably, if thou would ft die 1
. John v. 28, 29.
Marvel not at this : For the hour is coming, in the which'
all that are m their graves, fhall hear bis voice : And
Jhall come forth, they that have done (>ood unto the.
refurreclion of Fife, and they that have done evil, unto,
the refur red ion 0) damnation.
THESE words are parf of the defence our Lord
Jefus Chrift makes for himfelf, when perfecuted'
by the Jews for curing the impotent man and ordering
him to c^irry away his bed on the Sabbath ; and ioi
vindicating his conduct, when accufed by them of hav-t
ing thereby profaned that day. On this occalton he |
profefTeth hhnfclf not only Lord of the Sabbath, but
alfo Lord of life and death ; declaring in the words oi
the text, the refurrection of the dead to be brought tc