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. IHead II. Frvit/uhiefs. 289
ilnor will his tongue walk at random ; feeing to the
idouble guard nature hath given the tongue, grace hath
added a third. The fruits of holinefs will be found in
his outward conveffation, for he hath clean hands, as
: |\ve!l as a pure heart, Pfal. xxiv. 4. He is a godly man,
iland re'igioudy difchargeS the duties of the fnft table
of the law' ; he is a righteous man, and hc neftly per-
|(forms the duties of the fecqnd table. In his convetfa*
sition he is a good Clirillian, and a good neighbour too.
1 |He carries it towards God, as if mens eyes were upon
jiihim ; and towards men, believing God’s eye to be upon
ii him I htfe things which Grd hath.joined in his law,
Ijhe dare not, in his piadfice put afunder.
T- Thus the branches of Chrilf aie full of good fruits,
; And thefe fruits are a duller of \ital a£fions, whereof
lijefus Cl.ri’b is the principde and end ; the principle,
Tor he lives in them : and the life which they live is
fby the faith of the Son of God, Gal. i. 20. The end,
Tor they live to him ; and to them to live, is Chrilt,
ijPhilip i. 21. The duties of religion are, in the w’orld,
tijjiike fatherlefs children, in rags ; wall not take
inliem in, becaufe they never loved them nor their
tiFathcr: fomt take them in, becaufc they may be fer-
.ivu table to them : but the faints take them in for tluir
: Father’s fake : that is, for Cbnift’s fake ; and they
are lovely in tlreir eyes, becaufe they are like him,
Ip! whence is the new life of the faints? Surely it
m cou'd never have been hammered out of the natural
/toow eis of their fouls, by the united force of all created
iJ>power. In eternal barremrefs fnould their womb have
a been fliut up, but that being married to Chriil, they
it bring forth fruit unto God, Rom. vii. 4.
If you a Ik me, How yout nourifhment, growth and
fruitfulnefs may be forwarded ? I offer thefe few
sdvices, (i.I Make fure work, as to your knitting
with the flock, by faith unfeigned ; and beware of
lypocrify ; a branch that is not found at the heart,
will certainly wither. The trees of the Lotd’s plani¬
ng are trees of righteoufnefs, Ifa. Ixi. 3. So when
:thers fade, they bring forth fruit. Hypoctifv is a