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ead II. a killing Stock. 249
we be ftill branches of the degenerate, dead and
lling ftock ? But, alas i among the many queftions
fled among us, few are tiken up about thefe : Whe-
:;er am I broken off from the old dock, or not l—
Sr hether am I ingrafted in Chrift, or not ! Ah ! where-
;re all this wafte ? Why is there to much noife
tiout religion amongft many, who can give no good
i mount of their having laid a good foundation, being
eve ftrangers to experimental religion ? I fear, if God
not, in mercy, timeoufiy Undedfnine the religion of
any of us, and let us fee we have none at ail ; our
ot will be found rottennefs, and our bloflbrn go up
duft, in a dying hour. Therefore let us look to our
ate,that we be not found fools in our latter end
II. Let us now view the fupernatural flock, in
tch the branches, cut off from tiie natural flock,
ingrafted. Jefus Chrift is fometimes called the
anch, Zech ii. 8. So he is,, in refpett of his human
ture -, being a branch, and the top-branch of the
ufe of David. Sometimes he is called a Root, 11a.
o. we have both together, Rev. xxii. 16. I am
e Root, and the Offspring 0} David : David’s root,
God ; and his offspring, as man The text tells,
at he is the Vint : that is, He, as a Mediator, is
vine-flock, whereof believers are the branches,
s the fl.p comes from the earth into the root and flock,
Id from thence is difl'ufed into the branches ; fo by
tirifl, as Mediator, divine life is conveyed from the
'untain, unto thefe who are united to him by faith,
hn vi. 57 sis the living Father hath fent me, and I
e by the Father; /o he that eateth me, even he Jhall
1 by me. Now Chrift is Mediator, not as God only,
fome have aflerted ; nor yet as man only, as the
tpifts generally hold : But he is Mediator, as God-
an, Adts xx 28—The church 0/God, winch he hath
\rchafed with his blood, Heb. ix. 14.— Cbriff, who
ro’ the eternal Spirit, offered hnnjelf, without fpot
God. The divine and human natures, have their
Idindh addings ; yet a joint operation in this, difeharg-
j the office of a Mediator. This is illullrated by