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Head I The NeccJJity oj Regeneration.
111 Or is it not fuch an one as cu nbers the ground, which
l| God will pluck up for fue! to the iire of his wrath?
(4.) Your being dead in fin makes you meet to be
i1! wrapt ya flimes of brim 'ton e, as a winding lhaet; and
t i to be buried in the bottpmlcfs pit, as in a grave. Great
8» was the cry in Egvpt, when the fir ft born in each fa-
I' roily was dead ; but are there not many families, where
|.j a'l are dead together ? Nay, many there are, who are
tl t.vice dead, plucked tin by the roots. Sometime, in
H their life, they have been roufed by apprehenbons of
II death, and its confequences ; but now they are fo far •
>n in their way to the land of darknefs, that they hard-
y ever have tire leaft glimmering of light from heaven.
$.) The darknefs of" your minds prefageth eternal
larknefs O the horrible ignorance fome are plagued
ivith : while others, who have got fome rays of morn-
ng light into their heads, are utterly void of fpiritual
ight in their hearts ! If ye knew your cafe^'ye would
try out, Oh darknefs ! durknefs ! darknefs making way
For the blacknefs of darknefs for ever ! The face-cover-
ng’is upon you already, as condemned perfons; fo near
sre ye to everlaiVmg darknefs. It is only Jefus ChiUt
who can flop the execution, pull the napkin off the face
cb the condemned malefaTor, and put a pardon in his
hand, Ifa. xxv 7. Ani he will drjt'oy in this mountain,
the jace 0/ the covering cafi over ail people, i. e. The
face-tcvering caff over tire condemned, as in Ha man’s
cafe, Ed her vii. 8. As the word went out of the king's
mouth, they covered Human's fade Tadly, The chains
of darknefs ye are bound with in the prifon of your
depraved date, Ifa Ixi r. fits you to be cnfl into the
burning fiery furnace. Ah miferable men ! bometimes
their conferences (lir within them, and they begin to
think of amending their ways. Bat alas ! they are in
chains, they cannot do it. They are chained by the
heart ; their luds cleave fo fall to them, that they can¬
not, nay, they will not flunke them off. Thus you fee
what affini-y there is betwixTan unregCnerate Rate,
and the date of t’ue damned, the Rate of abfolute and
irretrievable mifery be convinced then, that ye muft
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