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ilfnd I. Tie neceffity of’Regeneration. 2 29X^
Lilefs they kept you warm : Ami how cen you fathfy
•jourftlvts with your dutie.f, while they are not eft'cc-
liuai io’your corrrhtmion with Cod ?
! 7hinl.'y. Regeneration is abfcjutely neeffT.ry to
mialif^ ycu for heaven. None go to heaven but they
Ifirt are made meet for it. Col. i. i 2. As it was with
llo'le men's
te.mple, t Kings, vi. 7. f^; it is with the
It is hunt of flone, made ready before
m pie abe ve.
1 is brought thither; namely, of lively ttones, 1
5 wrought for the fame thing. 2 Cor. v 5.
|iey c miot be laid in that glorious budding, juft as
y came cut of the quarry of depraved nuture :
'weds of gold are net meet for fwine, and far lefs
we!s of glory fci unrenewed fmners. Beggars in
eir rags, are not meet for kings’ houfes; nor dinners
niter into the King’s palace, without the raiment
needle work, Pfal. xlv. 14, 15. What wife man
raid bring fifties cut of the water to feed in Ins mea-
|:vv ; or fond Ids oaten to feed in the fea ? E\en as
Itlt are the u 11 regent rate meet for heaven, or is bea-
■n meet for them. It would never be liked by them.
e unregenerate would
find fault with heaven on
/cid accounts. As (1.) That it is a ft range country,
mven is the renewed man’s native country; Id’s
1, whieh
iis mother is
I ,K
jther is in heaven
rbeve. Gal. iv. 2d. hie is born from above, Joiiu
3 Heaven is his home, 2 Cor. v. r. Therefore
locks on himftlf, as a ftrarger on this earth, and
16 The) d/fire a better
head is homeward, Heb xi.
\ntiy> that is an heavenly
is ihe man of
rrth, J r. xvii.
lye earth,
the u
x. ; 8
Now, home is home,
t^J-er fo homely ; therefore he minds earthly things,
Bi'ip. iii. 1 y There is a peculiar fweetnefs in our
foil, and hardly are men drawn to leave it, and
BeH in a ftrange ccur.try In no does that pre-
® rr.cre tlnin in ti is, for unrelieved men would cju t
r pr< tenfiens to heaven, were it not that they fee
j 0.■ iinet make a better of it. (2.) There is no-
J:g ihcre of what they delight moft in, as rroft agree-
1 i-
written in
be it