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220 Cdrcs of Chrljl'.jnSy doubting State III
wrought In young converts, who are ordinarily made
to nog in the days of their youth, Hof ii. 14. While
the fire-edge is on the young convert, he looks on others
reputed to be godly, and not finding them in fuch a tem¬
per and difpofition ns himfelf, he is ready to cenfure
them ; and think there is far lef religion in tire world,
than indeed there is. Bat when his own cup comes to
f. ttle below the brim, and he finds that in himfelf,
which made him queftion the ft ate of others he is more
humbled, and feeds more and more the neceilrv of dai'y
re coir fe to the blood of (Thrift for pardon, and to the
Spirit of (Thrift f r fanftification ; and thus grows
downwards in humiliation, ft‘f-loathing.and f • f denial, j
(2.) There is a rational love to (Thrift, which, with- j
out thefe fenfible emotions felt in the former car, evi-l
dences itfeif by a dutiful regard to the divine authority f
and command When one bears fuch a love toChrift, j
tbo’ the vehement ftirrings of affection be wanting, yet,]
hd is truly tender of offending a gracious God ; endca-J
vours to walk before lym unto all-pleating; and grieved i
at the heart, for what is difpleafmg unto him, 1 John I
v. q , For this is the love of Cod, that ive keep his cor»\
mandmeuts. Now, although that fenfibic love doth n< t j
always continue with you, ye have no rtafon to accou: t i
it a hypocritical fit, while the rational love remains >
with you, mere than a faithful and lov'ng wife needs
queftion her love to her hufband, when her fojndnefs is.
Cafe 5 The attainments of hypocrites and apoft tes
â– art a terror to me, and come like a fluking ftorm 0:13
me, vilien l am about to conclude from the marks cfjj
trace which I fee .no to find in rnyfelf, that 1 am in the j
hate of grace. j!n{. 1'hefc things fliould indeed ftitj
us up to a mo ft ferirus and impartial examination off
curfelvcs; but ought not to k*ep us in a continue,
fufpenfe as to our It ate. Sirs, ye fee the out Tic otj
hypocrites, their duties, their gifts, their tews, L
but ye fee not their in.tide; ye do not difee'rn t-w.fcl
heaits, the bias of their fpirits. Upon what ; t 2 Qfi
them, ye ft and a j.-dgementef chanty, ns to t-.eii
rita’-dy in .uch a cn -., -.
to judge