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Jhrm to the Unrepenerate.
State II.
Lajlly, Coiifidtr what a God lie is, with whom thou
haft to do, whole wrath thou art liable unto : He is
a God of infinite knowledge and wifdom ; fa that none
of thy fins, however fecret, can be hid from him.
He infallibly finds out all means whereby wrath may
be executed, toward the fitisfying of juftice. fie is
of infinite power, and fo can do what he -rill againtt
the finner. How heavy mult the ftrokts oi wrath be,
which are laid on by an omnipotent bar 1 ! Infinite
power can make the finner prifoner, even when he is
in his greateft rage againft heaven. It can bring again
the feveral parcels of drift, out of the grave ; put them ;
together again, reunite the foul and the body, fift them
before the tribunal, hurry them away to the pit, and
hold them up with the one hand, thro’ eternity, while |
they are lalhed with the other. He is infinitely juft,
and therefore mult punifh : it were adding contrary to
his nature to luffer the firmer to efcape wrath. Hence
the executing of this w'rath is pieafing to him ; for
tho’ the Lord hath no delight in the death of the
finner, as it is the deftru£Lon of. his own creature;
yet he delights in it, as it is the execution of juftice.
Upon the wicked he Jh.ill rain jnarejl jire and bt nnjlone,
end an horrible t nap eft. Mark the reafon. For the
righteous Lord loveth rightcoujnefs^ Pfal. xi. 6, 7.
1 will caiije my Jury to reft upon them, and I will be
comforted, Ezck. v. 13. / al/o will laugh at your
calamity, Prov. i. 26. Finally, Me lives for ever,
to pmfue the quarrel. Let us therefore conclude,
it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living{
Be awakened then, O young finner ; be awakened,
O old finner, who art yet in the ftate thou waft born in.
Your fecurity is none of God’s allowance ; it is the
ikep of death : Rife out of it ere the pit dole its
mouth on you. It is true, you may put on a brtaft-
plate of iron ; make your bow brafs, and your hearts
as an adamant; who can help it ? But God will break
that brazen bow, and make that adamantine heart, |
at laft, to fly into a theufand pieces. Ye may, if ye i
will, I