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i|Iead IT. is a ftatc of Wrath. 13 7
In I. 1 am to fliew what this flat? of wrath is. But
riwho can fully dcfcribe the wrath of an angry God ?
c|None can do it. Yet fo much of it mud be du'ccvtred,
s may ferve to convince men of tire abfolr.te neccfnty
f fleeing to Jefus Chrift, eut of that (fate cf w.a h.
r (Anger in men is a paflion, and commotion of the fpisit
for an injury received., with a delire to relent the fame.
â–¡When it comes to a height, and is fixed in one’s fj'irit,
|jit is called wrath. Now there are no paffions in God,
properly fpeahing; they are inconIndent with his'cldb-
ute unchangeablenefs, and independency, and tl.tre-
jfore Paul and Barnabas (to remove the mi (lake df tire
yeaonians, who thought they were gods) tel! them,
hey were men of like paflions with themfelves,1 AcVs
iv. 15. Wrath then is attributed to God, not in re¬
peat of the affetflion of wrath, but the efl’.kds thereof.
.Gath is a fire in the bowels of a man, tormenting the
man himfelf; but there is no perturbation in God. His
rath does not in the lead mar that infinite repofe and
appinefs, which he hath in himfelf It is a molt pure
ndiftuvbed a£t of his will, producing dreadful efit els
gainit the frnner. It is little we know of an infinite
od -, but condefcending to our weaknefs, he is pi da fed
o fpeak of himfeif to us, after the manner of men.
jet us tlrerefore notice man’s wrath, but remove every
King in our confideration of the wrath of.God, that
rgues im perfect ion : and fo we may attain to fome
iew of it, however fcanty. By this means we'are led
o take up the wrath of God againft the natural man,
n thefe three.
F[rfti I :*ere is wrath in the heart of God againft
nni. The Lord approves him not, but is difpleafed
• ith him. Lvery natural man lies1 under the difplea-
lure of God • and tnat is heavier than mountains of
rafs Although he be pleafed with himfelf, and
>thers be plenfed with him 100 ; yet God looks down
nr him, as difpleafed. Firjl, His perfon is unde/
Hood’s difpleafure
1. v.
V hou hatefi all -workers of
5. A godly man’s fin is difpleafing to God,
|et his perfon is ftill accepted in the h.loved Fph. i 6
M But