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I3‘2 Cinclufion of the Jirfl Head. Sirat-e II.
is no peace with GoJ, no pardon, no heaven for you,
in this ifate : there is but a hep betwixt you and eter¬
nal deitrudlion from the prefence of the Lord : if tire:
brittle thread of your life, which may be broke with
a touch, ere you are aware, be indeed broken while-
you are in this hate ; you are ruined for ever, and-
without remedy. But come fpeedily to Jefus Chrih ■,
he has cleanfed as vile fouls as yours; and he will
yet cleanje the blood that he hath not cleanifri, Joel iti.
21. Thus far of the iinfulnefs of man’s natural hate. .
The Mifery of Alan’s Natural State.
Ephesians ii. 3.
IVe were by nature the children of wrath, even aS-jB
HAVING {hewed you the finfulnefs of man’s na--i
tural hate, I come now to lay before you the!
mifery of it. A finful hate cannot be but a miferable |
hate. If fin go before, wrath follows of courfe. Cor¬
ruption and dehruflion are fo knit together, that the |!
Holy Ghoh calls dehrudhion, even eternal dehruftion,.
corruption, Gal. vi 8. He that feweth to hisJbefb, fhallm
of the jiejh reap corruption, that is everlahing dehruc- J '
tion i as is clear from its being oppofed to life ever- |
lahing, in the following claufe. And fo the Apohlef
having fhown the Ephefians their real hate by nature, j
viz. that they were dead in fins and trefpafles, altoge- 1
ther corrupt; he tells them in the words of the text,.*
their relative hate, namely, that the pit was digged for j
them, while in that hate of corruption : being dead j ‘
in fins, they were by nature children of wrath, even as
In the words we have four things,
j. The