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130 View of the Corruption of Nature. State If.
the reft. The corruption of nature is the rivtr-head,
which has many particular lufts, in which it runs : but
it mainly difburaens itielf into what is commonly called
one’s predominant fin. Now all of thefe being fed by
the fin of our nature ; it is evident that fin is the great
reigning fin which never lofeth its fuperiority over
particular lulls, that live and die with it, and by it.‘
But as in feme rivers, the main ftream runs not always
in one and the fame channel : fo particular predomi¬
nants may be changed, as lull in youth may be fucceeded
by covetoufnefs in uld age. Now, what doth it avail
to reform in other fins, while the great reigning fin re¬
mains in its full power? What tho’ feme pirricular
lull be broken ? If that fin, the fin of our nature keep
the throne, it will fet up another in its Head : as when
a water-courfe is ftopt in one place, while the fountain
is not dammed up, it will ftream forth another wav.
And thus feme call off their prodigality, hut covetouf¬
nefs comes up in its Head : fome call away their pro¬
fanity, and the corruption of nature fends not its m un
ftream that way as before : but it runs in another
channel namely, in that of a legal difpofition, felf-righte-
oufncf?, or the like, fo that people are ruined by their
not eyeing the fin of their nature.
La/tly, It is an hereditary evil, Pfal. li. 5 In Jin did
my mother conceive me. Particular lufts are not la,
but in the virtue of their caufe. A prodigal father
may have a frugal fon : but this difeale is neceffarily
propagated in nature, and therefore hardell to cure.
Surely then the word Ihould be given out againll this
fin, as againd the King of Ifrael, 1 Kings xxii 31.
Fight neither with fmall nor great, fave only with
this ; fer this fin being broke, all other fins are broken
vdth it ; and while it Hands entire, there is no
IV. That ye may get a view of the corruption of
your nature, I would recommend to you three things.
(1.) Study to know the fpirituality and extent of the j
law of God, for that is the glafs wherein you may fee
ycurfelves. (2 ) Obferve your hearts all tijnes, but j