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C.r n^tirr'i cf
natutal m !n
Sente II.
m iy l*e hrouj’u ter:!
feijfo itibmiflion to th
f faints, yet lifts aiwnysij
and doninion in t'n-'.r hearts, a .1
' * S * 3
ki ngdora.
retain the throne
tbev are ftrvin; divers Injis and plea jut cs, fit m
None but thefe in who m Chrnl is formed, do r
put the crown on his head, and receive the
of Christ within them. His crown the’croton where-
ninth bis mother crowned him in the day of his efpot>.:ciis\
Who are they, whom the power of grace has not full4
dued, .hat will allow him to fet up, and to put down,'
in their fouls, as he will ? Nay, as tor others, any lord
fliall fooner get the rule over them, than the Lord:
ny : they kindly entertain Ids enemies, and willt
!v refign themfelveg to bis government^
in a daj' of power. r[ has ye may feeJ
that the natural man is an enemy to Jefus Chrifti
in all his offices.
But O! how hard is ‘t to ■convince men in t’nis point ?
They are very loth t > take with it. And, in a fpecial
of gl<
till conquered
manner, the enmity of the heart again ft Chrift in his
prieftly office, feem; to he hid from the view of mo l
of the hearers of the gofpel. Yet there appears to be
a peculiar malignity in corrupt natur {■•gainft that offire
of his It may be obferved, that .he Mocinians, thefd
enemies of oar blefled Lord, allow him to be properly
a Prophet and a King, but deny I i n to be prop.-hy
a Prieft. And this is agreeable enough to th
lion of our nature j for under the covenant of works,
the Cord was known as
as a King or Ruler ; bu
a Prophet or Teacher, and alfa;
not at all ns a Prieft: fo man
knows nothing of the myftery of C rift, as the way toj
the Father, till it be revealed to him. And when itj
is revealed, the will rifeth up ninft it; for corrupt)
?vaiure lies acrofs the myftery ct Chrift, and the great
contrivance of falvztion, through a crucified Saviour,
revealed in the gofpd. For clearing of which weighty
truth, let thefe four things be confidered
Firfly 1 he foul’s falling in with the grant! device
of fid vat ion by Jefus Chrift, and fetting the matters,
of falvation onShat footing before the Lord is declare