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Head I. The Explication of the Text. 39
preceding verfes. (i Mixt marriages, verfe 2. The
Ifm of God, the poflerity of Sech and Enos, profeflbrs
J of the true religion, married with the daughters of
men, the profane, cur fed race of Cain. They did not
; carry the matter before the Lord, that he might choofe
\for them, Pfai. xlviii. 14. But without any refpeft to
i the will of God, they chofe ; not according to the rules
I of their faith, but of their fancy; theyfaw that they
I were fair; and thieir matriage with them occafioned
; their divorce from God. This was one of the caufes
H of the deluge, which fwept avay the old world. Would
I to God all proftfTors in our day, could plead not guilty :
i but tho’ that fin brouglit on tr.e deluge, yet the deluge
;; hath not fwept a-way that fin ; which, as of old, fo in
ij our-day, may juilly be looked upon, as one of the caufes
It of the decay of religion. It was an ordinary thing
I among the Pagans,to change their gods, as they changed
I their condition into a married lot: and many fad in-
I Itances the Chriftian world affords of the fame, as if
:| people were of Pharaoh’s opinion, That religion is
l] only for thofe that have no other care upon their headsj
.Exod. v. 17. (a.) Great oppreffion, ver 4. 7here
ij was giants in the earth in thofe days, men of great (t i-
n ture, great ffrength. and monftrous wickedn-fs, filing
| the earth with violence, ver. j 1. But neither their
)i ftrength nor treafures of wickeunefs, coal I profit them
II in the day of wrath. Yet the gain of oppreffion ftill
. I carries many over the terror of this dreadful example,-
I Thus much for the connection, and what particular
1 crimes that generation was guilty of. But every per¬
il fon that was fwept away with the flood, could not be
1 guilty of thefc* things, and (hall not the judge ofâ–  alt
I the earth do right? Therefore in my text, there is a
| general indiftment drawn up acp.inlt them all, The
IwiekLchrefs of man avas great m the earth, 81c. And
this is well inftruCted, for Gou faw it. Two things
lare laid to their charge here,
Firji, Corruption of life, v.ickednefs, great wicked*
jnefs. i underftand this of flie wickednefs of their
(lives; fo^ it is plainly diftinguilhed from the wicked-