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State of Innocence applied 37
1] lefs : b'ut they that were brought up in fcarlet, do now
1 embrace dunghills. Where is our primitive glory
f now ! Once no darknefs in the mind, no rebellion in
I the will, no ditorder in the affe<5Hons. But ah ! Hovj
i is the faithful city become an harlot f RighteoiifKefs
; lodged in it; but now murderers Our fiver is become
i drofsy our wine mixed-with water- That heait which
1 was once the temple of Uod, is now turned into a den
(of thieve . Let our name be Lchabcd, for the glory is
departed Happy waft thou, O man, who was like unto
tli ee ! No pain or ficknefs could affetfl thee, no death
could approach thee, no high was heard from thee, till
Ithefe bitter fruits were plucked oft the forbidden tree.
Heaven ftione upon thee, and earth fmiled : thou waft
the companion of angels, anil the envy of devils. But
how ow is he now laid, who was created for dominion,
anil made lord of the world ! The crown is fallen from
our head: wo unto us that we have finned. The crea¬
tures that waited to do him fervice, are now fince the
fall, let in battle array againft him; and the leaft of
them having commiflion proves too hard for him Wa¬
ters overflow the old world , lire confumes Sodom ; the
ftars in their courfes fight againft; Sifera ; frogs, foes,
lice, &c. turn executioners on Pharaoh, and his Egyp¬
tians : worms eat up Herod : yea man needs a league
with the beafts, yea with the very Jlones of the field.
Job v. 13. having reafon to fear that every one that
findeth him will flay him. Alas ! how are we fallen ?
How are we plunged into a gulf cf mifery ! The fun
1 has come down on us, death has come in at cur vvin-
dows; our enemies have put out our two eyes, and
fport themfelves v/ith our miferies. Let us then lie
down in our fhame, and let cur confufion cover us.
Neverthckfs there is hope in Ifrael concerning this Come then, O finner, look tojefus Chrift, the
fecond Adam : quit the firft Adam and his covenant:
| come over to the Mediator and Surety of the new and
betccr covenant : and let our hearts fay, Be thou our
I ruler, and U t this breach be under thy hand. And let
i your eye trickle down, and ceafe not without any inter-