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Death uncomfoi tabic to tfiern, in three cafes Page 34.7
Ten cafes of faints anent death, Anfwercd - 348
Confxderations to bring faints in good terras with
death ...»
Dire&ions how to prepare for death
Head III The Refurreftiont
Difcourfed from Jphn v. 28, 29.
'"•"''HE poffibility of the refurredlion
l_ The certainty of the refurre<5Hon
Who fhall be raifed, p. 368. What fhall be raifed
How the dead ihall be taifed
The difference betwixt the godly and the wicked,
in their refurredion - * - 371
The qualities of the raifed bodies of the faints 376
The qualities of the railed bodies of the wicked 379
Comfort to the people of God - • 381
Terror to all natural men - • 383
Head IK. The General Judgement
Difcourfed from Mat. xxv. 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 46. 386
THAT there ihall be a general judgement, proven 387
Jefus Chrill the Judge - - 391
The coming of the Judge - - ib.
The fummons<given - - - 393
The Judge’s fitting down in the tribunal - ib.
The compearance of the parties - - 396
The feparation betwi t the righteous and the wicked 397
The trial of the parties - - 4CO
The books opened - - - 4r 2
Sentence pronounced on the faints - 40&
The faints judge the world - * 4C9
Sentence of damnation on the ungodly - 410
The execution - - - 413
The general conflagration - - 4(4
The place and time of the judgement, unknown 416
Comfort to the faints - 41?
Terror to Unbelievers - * 4‘^
Exhortation to prepare for the judgement - 421
Head V. The Kingdom of Heaven,
Difcourfed from Matth xxv. 34. - 422
rT~' HE nature of the kingdom of heaven - 424
JL The faints, kingly power and authority ib-