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therefore this book is humbly and earneftly recommended as a family-
book, which all the members of it arc not only allowed, but defircd to
As to the difference betwixt this and the former edition, which gives
it preference, it lies chiefly in the Author’s not only having revifed
the (Hie, but the thought, in many places; and coirefted both, fo as to
iet feveral important truths in a clearer light, and make the (tile of the
book now uniform, which formerly was not fo. becaufe of the etipixa-
tions of peculiar words and phrafes in life amongfl praft cal divines,
efpecially of the church of Scotland, which were interfperkd- through¬
out the former edition, and introduced by another hand, for the fake
of fucli perfops as are not accuftomed to them It remains, that the
prefacer not only fubjoin his name, which was concealed in the fiifc
edition, as a teflimony that he efteems the Author, and values the
book, but that he may thereby recommend it in a particular manner
to the perufal of perfons of his own acquaintance, if in his atfifting
towaids its being publilhed, and in prefacing both editions, he has not
run unfent, he has what will bear him up under all cenfures : the cha¬
ritable will think no evil, and others will do as they pkafe.
Edinburgh, 1
l8th March, 1729 f
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