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The Late Rev. Mr. James Harvey, in his
Dialogues, Vol I. page ^43, gives the follow¬
ing Recommendation of this Book.
“ See this work of grace, ami procedure of converfion,
“ more copioufly- difplayed, in a valuable little piece, in-
“ tituled, Human Nature in iti four fold State by Mr Thomas
** Beflon, which, in my opinion, is one of our beft books
“ for common readers. The fentences are ihort, and the
“ comparifons ftrik’mg : the language is eafy, and the
“ doiflrine evangelical 5 the method proper, the plan Corn-
'* prehenhve, the manner fearching, yet confolatory.—If
“ another celebrated treatife is ftiled, The Whole Duty of
“ Man, I would call this, The whole of Min, ; as it cbm-
** prifes—what he 'was, originally ;—what he is, by tranf-
“ gt efTion ;—what hejhould be, through grace : - and, then,
“ what he rwill be in glory.”