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A Record of the Mods and Gold Medallists
Year. Place.
1892 Oban -
1893 Oban -
1894 Oban -
1895 Glasgow
1896 Perth -
1897 Inverness
1898 Oban -
1899 Edinburgh -
1900 Perth -
1901 Glasgow
1902 Dundee
1903 Inverness
1904 Greenock
1905 Dingwall
1906 Oban -
1907 Glasgow
1908 Rothesay
1909 Stirling-
1910 Edinburgh -
1911 Glasgow
1912 Inverness
1913 Dundee
1919 Edinburgh -
1920 Oban -
1921 Glasgow
1922 Fort William-
1923 Inverness
1924 Perth -
1925 Greenock
1926 Oban -
1927 Fort William-
1928 Inverness
1929 Perth -
1930 Dunoon
1931 Dingwall
1932 Fort William-
1933 • Glasgow
1934 Oban -
1935 Edinburgh -
1936 Inverness
1937 Dundee
1938 Glasgow
1946 Aberdeen
1947 Perth -
Mary Ann MacKechnie, Oban.
Margaret MacDonald, Glasgow.
C. MacNeill Robb, Glasgow.
Isobel Munro, Glasgow.
Katie MacColl, Oban.
Lizzie MacKenzie, Inverness.
Tena Carmichael, Glasgow.
Kate Munro, Dornoch.
Mary M. MacLeod, Glasgow.
Jemima Gardiner, Edinburgh.
A. C. Whyte, Glasgow.
M. A. Cameron, Blackmount.
Jessie M. MacLennan, Glasgow.
Kate MacDonald, Edinburgh.
Chrissie S. MacDonald, Glasgow.
Daisy M. Matheson, Stornoway.
Margrat M. Duncan, Glasgow.
C. P. Turner, Glasgow.
Alice Henderson, Stornoway.
Margaret NacLeod, Inverness.
Mary M. Lament, Glasgow.
Flora MacNeill, Colonsay.
Cathie MacAskill, Kinlochleven.
Margaret B. MacPherson, Glasgow.
Annie I. MacMillan, Glasgow.
Jenny M. B. Currie, Ford.
Mary Campbell, Easdale.
Donalda Robertson, Glasgow.
Nan Maclnnes, Luing.
Mary C. MacColl, Glasgow.
Morag MacDonald, Edinburgh.
Bessie Campbell, Dornie.
Bessie Campbell, Ardrishaig.
Helen T. MacMillan, Glasgow
Margaret MacDonald, Inverness.
Madge Campbell Brown, Lochgilphead.
Mary C. MacNiven, Glasgow.
Catherine M. Clarke, Glasgow.
Kitty MacLeod, Lewis.
Petrine M. Stewart, Aberfeldy.
Katie A. MacLean, Lewis.
Rose B. MacConnachie, Southend.
May Margaret MacMillan, Glasgow,
Kenneth D. MacKenzie, Glasgow.
Roderick MacLeod, Inverness.
Angus Brown, Glasgow.
W. A. Spence, Oban.
James Gibson, Glasgow.
Duncan D. MacDonald, Glasgow.
Allan Hunter, Oban.
James Ross, Glasgow.
John Cameron, Glasgow.
John MacKenzie, Inverness.
J. L. B. Mowatt, Inverness.
John MacLeod, Glasgow.
Tom Lawrie, Greenock.
W. Grant Downie, Glasgow.
Murdo MacLeod, Stornoway.
Robert Morrison, Inverness.
Duncan S. Currie, Glasgow.
Alistair C. MacLaren, Crianlarich.
Robert M. MacDonald, Glasgow.
Hugh MacKay, Dornoch.
Colin MacLeod, Inverness.
Stewart Robertson, Aberfeldy.
Kenneth MacRae, Kinlochleven.
Neil MacLean, Oban.
John M. Bannerman, Glasgow.
Chas. MacColl, Ballachulish. •
Neil MacKinnon, Perth.
Stewart Maclnnes, Inverness.
Alex. MacLennan, Abriachan.
Roderick MacLeod, Anstruther.
James C. Campbell, London.
James C. MacPhee, Glasgow.
Allan MacLean, Greenock.
Archie Grant, Glasgow.
Donald D. Maclsaac, Jura.
Angus Whyte, Glasgow.
Gilbert MacPhail, Islay.
Hugh Maclnnes, Ballachulish.
Duncan MacKenzie, Inverness.
Duncan C. MacLellan, Greenock.
Alexander Brown, Luing.
Donald MacVicar, Glasgow.
Donald Maclnnes, Glasgow.