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| Abertarff House . Inverness
DI-ARDAOIN, 19mh LATHA DE’N MHAIRT 1970' THURSDAY, 19th MARCH 1970 No. 78 Sixpence
The Trotternish Range, Isle of Skye, front the Quiraing
Hopes For Skye Diatomite
Stirling carried out a surv
to establish requirements J
this particular aspect of t
IJOPES that the diatomite sations. The quality of the product from the
11 fields at Trotternish in Skye deposits of diatomite is Skye deposits would be used
Skye will be re-opened were good, but problems are mainly f0r the manufacture
raised at the week-end with created in quarrying and of building board, and in
the news that the Highlands marketing at a profit. The heating insulation.,
and Islands Development further study recently com- While further investiga-
Board are to start discussions pleted by the well-known tjons jnto the development of
with a number of mineral Pitlochry consultant miner- the Trotternish diatomite de¬
users and mining companies alogist, Mr Robert Robertson, poSits are carried out with
who have expressed an in- indicates that the Skye gome optimism, the H.I.D.B.
terest in the future of the diatomite industry could be are panning to extend their
Skye deposits. revived as an economically search to other parts of the
Mr Raonull Macinnes, the viable proposition, providing‘west coast and the islands.
Skye-born London business jobs in an area where new Subject to financial support
man abandoned the project jobs are needed. from interested industrialists,
after carrying out a feasibility This latest study investi. the Board hope to cover
study six months ago. The gated the capital cost of areas of the mainland—Ross-
Board have now examined plant installations, and run- shire, Sleat in Skye, and the
the results of the study and ning expenses, and estimated islands of Mull and Iona,
are resuming the fight to re- the possible returns. The These can only be regarded
start quarrying of the island’s drainage of Loch Cuithir as pilot surveys to be fol-
diatomite deposits. constitutes one of the majo/ lowed by detailed assess-
This latest effort by the disadvantages against the ments of the true potential
H.I.D.B. is in keeping with successful exploitation of the of identified deposits,
their policy of mineral hun- deposits, and a team from Full feasibility studies of
ting throughout the north the Department of Industrial this nature are carried out by
with the aid of other organi- Science at the University of the commercial developer.
A REIR nan cunntasan mu faighinn obair mar thoradh
dheireadh a rinn Bold air an £141,000 chaidh riutha
Leasachaidh na Gaidheal- sin.
tachd tha suas ri 465 an Air feadh na roinne gu h-
deidh obair fhaighmn mar iomlan chosg am Bord suas
thoradh air na chuir iad am (Continued on page 12)
mach de airgead anns na h-
Eileanan an lar anns na
ceithir bliadhna bho’n Dud-
lachd 1965 gun 1969. Chun
an ama sin chaidh faisg air
£1 millean a chuir ri oibri-
ehean anns na h-Eileanan
agus roinneadh an t -suim
seo air 175 a dh’obraichean
air leth.
’Sann n leasachadh an
iasgaich agus obraichean co-
cheangailte ris a chaidh a
chuid mhor de’n airgead a
thug am Bord seachad anns
a’ chearnaidh seo. Eadar
bataichean is eile tha suas ri
£? millean ac’ air a chuir an
sas. Tha 53 de bhuidheann
obrach a’ deanamh feum
de’n airgead seo agus eatorra
tha duil gu bheil mu 173 a
bharrachd a’ fhaighinn teachd-
A thuilleadh air an ias-
gach thug am Bord cuidea-
chadh do 64 obraichean eile
agus tha 102 a bharrachd a’
Eil ‘cu math’ agad?
THA e coltach gu bheil coin
a’ marbhadh ’sa ’milleadh
1,500 beathach an Alba gach
bliadhna. Aig an am seo
de’n bhliadhna nuair a tha
uain og is caoraich lag tha e
cunnartach gum bi coin-reu-
bainn a’ brath orra.
Dh’ aindheoin de cho um-
hail ’sa tha cu tha e cunnar¬
tach air toirt as an deidh beat¬
hach caothrach agus ged nach
leagadh e fiacail air dh’ fhao-
dadh e cron a dheanamh an
doigh eile.
Tha Roinn an Fhearainn
’san Lasgaich an Alba ag Am-
ais air aire dhaoine tharruing
chun a’ chall a tha coin a’
deanamh air stoc agus a’ cur
’nan cuimhne gu taodar an
^ytne tha le cii agradh gu
lagb ma chuireas an cu dragh
air beathaichean. Theid suas
.gu £50 de chain air duine
airson a leithid seo.