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8-15 Damhair 1999 JMB
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13 Dance Studio 09.00 (A2501
Britheamh Gaidhlig: Fr J A MacDonald
Britheamh Ciiiil: Anne Macdearmid
Cathraiche: A Kennedy
Ceol-taic: Ken Mason
Seinn Aon-Neach (Mnathan)
Oran ainmichte.
Solo Singing (Ladies)
A prescribed song.
O's tu's gura tu th' air m' aire
1 Geall-dubhlain Mairead Chaimbeul
agus £5
1 The Margot Campbell Trophy and £5
1 Dolina Munro, Fort William.
2 F Ann MacLean, Argyll.
3 Jane Campbell, Argyll.
4 Beverley Henderson, Fort William.
5 Sandra Henderson, Fort William.
6 Mary Catherine Bell, Inverness.
7 Christina Stewart, Avoch.
8 Fiona-Jane Brown, Aberdeen.
9 Jennifer Speirs, Edinburgh.
10 Ishbel Munro, Fort William.
11 Elizabeth Campbell, Erskine.
12 Rona Hope, Kyle.
13 Allison McLeish, Falkirk.
14 Brenda Elias, Argyll.
15 Marion Ross, Inverness.
16 Elaine MacGillivray, Argyll.
17 Nicola Pearson, Dundee.
18 Eilidh J Davies, Invergarry.
Tha An Comunn Gaidhealach a' toirt taing
shonraichte do na leanas airson an taic airson
Mod Lochabair
Bank of Scotland
BBC Alba
Clydesdale Bank
Comataidh Craolaidh Gaidhlig
Comhairle nan Leabhraichean
Comunn na Gaidhlig
Dualchas Nadair na h-Alba
Glasgow Mod Shop
Praban na Linne
Proiseact nan Ealan
Royal Bank of Scotland pic
Scottish Co-op
West Highland Free Press
An Comunn Gaidhealach would like to give special
thanks to the above for their support towards the
Lochaber Mod