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[TTY] Mod Lochabair
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12 LochysidePr. 16.00
BritheamhGaidhlig:Rev D. Macsween Cathraiche: A MacKenzie
Seinn Seann Nos Traditional Singing
Oran san t-seann nos gun fhoill- Traditional singing of a prescribed song,
seachadh. Competitors'choice. Girls over 16 and
Roghainn a cho-fharpaisich. Caileagan under 18 years of age.
os cionn 16 agus nas oige na 18 bliadhna
a dh'aois.
1 Cuach Uisdein agus Raonaid
Mhoireasdain agus £20 (Duais sheilbh
ga thoir seachad as ur gach bliadhna)
2 Braiste Airgid
3 Braiste Umha
1 The Hugh and Rachel Morrison
Taylor Trophy and £20 (Trophy to be
retained by the winner)
2 Silver Badge
3 Bronze Badge
1 Mairi MacDonald, Nicolson Institute.
2 Clare-Anna NicNeill, Castlebay Comm
3 Carrie Forbes, Tain Royal Academy.
4 Sandra MacIntyre, Sgoil Lionacleit.
5 Catherine Joan Martin, Nicolson
6 Ceit Anna Nicleoid, The Nicolson
7 Ella MacDonald, Stornoway.
8 Claire Thomson, Nicolson Institute.
9 Fiona Maclsaac, Glasgow.
10 Donna Murray, Nicolson Institute.
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