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Seinn Aon-fhuaimneach Unison Singing
Britheamhan: GAIDHLIG: Ian Gordon MacDonald
CEOL: Steven Ferrand
Ceol-taic: Kenneth Thomson
Cathraiche: Fiona Rae
Bheirear Duals Cuimhneachain Dhomhnaill Mhoir-
easdain - £50 - don choisir a choisneas na comharran as
airde ann an co-fharpaisean choisirean airson luchd-
Fairpais 29
Seinn aon-fhuaimneach de “Doire na smeoraich”
agus “Clann Ulaidh”. Buill choisirean fo 13.
Duaisean. Dleasadh bliadhna de Gheall-dubhlain
Meur Abar-phuill is a Choimhearsnachd agus £4; 2.
1. Coisir Og a’ Bhac
Farpais 30
Seinn an co-sheirm an rian da-fhillte “Dean ba ba,
mo leanabh” agus “Faille dhut is slainte leal”. Buill
choisirean fo 13. Duaisean: 1. Dleasadh bliadhna de
Gheall-dubhlain na Mna Uasail Ghrannd an Lagain
agus £6; 2. £3.
1. Coisir Og a’ Bhac
Farpais 28
Seinn aon-fhuaimneach port-a-beul. Buill choisirean
13-18. Duaisean: 1, Dleasadh bliadhna de Gheall-
dubhlain Beileig Chaimbeil agus £4; 2. £3. Dleasadh
bliadhna de Gheall-dubhlain an Urr. Gilleasbaig M.
Peutan airson nan comharran as airde ann an co-
fharpaisean 26, 27 agus 28.
The Donald Morrison Memorial Award of £50 will be
awarded to the choir gaining the highest marks in fluent
speakers’ choral competitions.
Competition 29
Unison singing of “Doire na smeoraich” and “Clann
Ulaidh”. Choristers under 13. Prizes:!. Retention for
one year of the Aberfoyle and District Branch Trophy
and £4; 2. £3.
2. Staffin School Choir
Competition 30
Choral singing in two-part harmony of “Dean ba ba,
mo leanabh”. and “Faille dhut is slainte leat”.
Choristers under 13. Prizes: 1. Retention for one year
of the Mrs. Grant of Laggan Memorial Trophy and
£6; 2. £3.
Competition 28
Unison singing of port-a-beul. Choristers 13-18.
Prizes: 1. Retention for one year of the Belle
Campbell Trophy and £4; 2. £3. Retention for one year
of the Rev. Archie M. Beaton Trophy for the highest
aggregate marks in competitions 26, 27 and 28.
1. Coisir Loch a Tuath 3. Coisir Ard-Sgoil Phort-Righ
2. Nicolson Institute Gaelic Choir
N.B. Competitors must appear at the stipulated time in the order of ballot