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142 ERE
Erenbergk (Wareinundus de). Verisimilia theologica, jiiridi-
ca, ac politica, de Regni Subsidiis ac Oneribus Subditorum,
lib. 1. Samuelis cap. 8. traditis, contra Bartolum, Bodinum,
Rossaeum, Brutum, Zepperuni, et alios. Francofurti, 1606,
Erhardus (Jo. Eucharius). V. Husanus.
Ernstius (Henricus), Dissertatio de vera Jurisprudentiae et
Jurisconsulti Aestimatione. Exst. inter Opuscula variorum
ad Jurisprudentiam pertinentia, torn. i. p. 67.
— Breviores Annotationes in librum primum Digestorum, una
cum Explanatione L. Princeps, xxxi. D. de Legibus. Exst.
in Meermanni Thesauro Juris Civilis et Canonici, tom. vi.
p. 841.
— Variarum Observationum libri duo. Exst. in Ottonis The¬
sauro Juris Romani, tom. v. col. 1121.
Eroteniata Juris Civilis, ex Institutis, Digestis, Codice, et No-
vellis ; cum praefatione Ahasueri Fritschii. Hamburgi, 1677,
Erscli (Joh. Samuel). Literatur der Jurispnidenz und Politik:
neue fortgesetzte Ausgabe von Joh. Christian Koppe. Leip¬
zig, 1823, 8vo.
Erskine (John). An Institute of the Laws of Scotland, in four
books, in the order of Sir George Mackenzie's Institutions of
that Law. Edinb. 1773, 2 vols. fol.
— The same; enlarged by additional notes containing the
later decisions of the Supreme Court on many interesting
points, and improved likewise by a more ample index and
the addition of a running margin, [by Lord Woodhouselce].
Edinb. 1785, 2 vols. fol.
— The same ; with notes and additions. Edinb. 1805 fol.
— The same. Edinb. 1812, 2 vols. fol.
— The same; w ith additional notes by James Ivory, Esq.
Edinb. 1824-8, 2 vols. fol.
— *A Translation and Explanation of the principal technical
Terms and Phrases in Mr. Erskine's Institute of the Law
of Scotland. By Peter Halkerston, LL. D. Edinb. 1820, 8vo.
— *The same. Edinb. 1829, 12mo.
— Principles of the Law of Scotland, in the order of Sir
George Mackenzie's Institutions of that Law. Edinb. 1754,
— The same. Edinb. 1757, 8vo.
— The same. Edinb. 1764, 8vo.
— The sam»; with corrections, notes, and an appendix [by J.
S. More, Esq.] Edinb. 1820, 8vo.
UMcoM^'^ — The same. ^ Edinb. 1827, 8vo.
^ j'T^'-^ Erskine (Thomas Lord). Speeches when at the bar, connect¬
ed with the Liberty of the Press, and against constructive
. t' Treasons: collected by James Ridgway. Lond. 1810,3 vols.

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