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126 Appendix Bib Hot he c^ Facultatis Juridic^,
TR ^
fter Hall, Jan. 20. ; together with
his Majefty's fpeech immediately be¬
fore he was murdered on a fcafFold
ereded at "Whitehall gate, Tuefday,
January o^o, 1648, part ift. London
1660. iVr8.
Part 2d, containing the dying
fpeeches of fuch nobility and gentry
. as have been put to death for their
loyalty to their Soveraign K. Charles
I. together with the names of their
judges, and manner of putting to
death. London 1660. in 8.
-Tryal of William Lord RulTel for
high treafon, &c. together with his
laft fpeech and behaviour upon the
fcafFold, July 21. 1683. London iCSj,.
—Arraignment, tryal, and condem¬
nation of Algernon Sydney for high
treafon. London 16^^. infol.
—Tryal and convi<3;ion of John
Hambden, Efq; upon an indidraent
of high mifdemauour, &c. London
1684. infol.
Tryal of Laurence Braddon and
-Hugh Speke, upon an information
of high mifdemenour, &:c. London
1684. infoL
-Tryals of Tho. Walcot, Will.
Hone, John Rous, and others, for
high treafon. London 1683. i'^fi^'
Arraignment, tryal, and condem-
nation of Stephen CoUedge for high
treafon, &c. London 1681. in foL
•Arraignment, tryal, and condem-
nation of Edward Fitz-Harris, Efq;
for high treafon, at the bar of the
Court of King's Bench ; alfo the
tryal and condemnation of Dr Oli¬
ver Plunkett, &:c. London 1681.
—Tryal of Capt. Thomas Green and
his crew, before the Judge of the
High Court of Admiralty of Scot¬
land, and the affeffors appointed by
the Lords of Privy Council, for pi
racy, robbery, and murder. Edin
burgh 1703. infol.
-—•V/hoIe of the evidence on .the try
al of her Grace Elizabeth Duchefs
Dowager of Kingfton before the
Right Honourable the Houfe of
Peers, in Weftminfter Hall, in April
1776; together with an authentic
copy of her Grace's defence as fpo-
ken by herfelf. London 1776. infol.
Tryal of the caufe on an adlion
brought by Stephen Sayre againft the
Right Honourable William Henry
Earl of Rochford for falfe imprifon-
ment. London 1776. in fl.
Authentick extradof the proceedTj^TT/ rkj^
ings in the tryal of Capt. John Por£_^'' ^-^
teous laid before the Houfe by the
Duke of Newcaftle, March the 3d,
1736. London 1737. infol.
Extrad of the proceedings in thSTXp L
tryal of Thomas M'Adams, foldier/^J'. 35?
and James Long, corporal, laid be¬
fore the Houfe purfuant to their
Lordfhips order, April 18. 1737.
London 1737. infoL
-Authenii:k coppie of the
'.0 ijiif— 4' •^'J,
Scot and Mackpherfon, {inno
laid before the Houfe purfuant to
their Lordihips order for that pur-
pofe, 18. ^prills 1737. Lotidon 1737.
Authentick coppie of the tryal of
William Haunt Dragoon, anno 171 ij
laid before the Houfe, 18. Aprilis
1737. London 1737. infol. .____
—Tryal of Maha Rajah Nundoco^;^^ ^,
mar, Bahader, tor forgery. Londok \'^'^^^
1776. in 4.
—Tryal of Jofeph Fowke, Francis.HZ"!
Maha Rajah xNundocomar, and Kof'^f^lZ^
Rada Churn, for a confpiracy againft
Warren Haftings, Efq; and that of
Jofeph Fowke, Maha Rajah Nundo-
comar, and Roy Rada Churn, for a
confpiracy againft Richard Barwell,
Efq; London 1780. inj^.
—Tryal of Elizabeth Duchefs Dow¬
ager of Kingfton for bigamy, publifh-
ed by order of the Houfe of Peers.'^
London 1776. injol.
Tryal at large of James Hill, <y-
therwife James Hind, otherwifc

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