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118 Appendix Bibliothec^ Facultatis yuridic^.
s M
%<r/f. '^^. ^^ Smithius (yofephus^) Anglus, Britanni-
^</ cae Majeftatatis priidentiffimus ne-
gotiorum, Venetiis, Conful. Dac-
tyliotheca Smithiana. Volumen pri-
mum gemmarum e£lypa, cum An-
tonii Francifci Gorii enarrationibus.
Venetiis lyGj.infol.
Volumen akerum,hiftoriam-glyp-
tographicam, auctore Antonio Fran
cifco Gorio, es.hibens. Venetiis 1767.
Solander [Dr.) Vide Troil {Jim Von.)
Sotnmers, Lord Sommers- Colledlion
of Trafts. Vide Tradls..
Sonnerat (M.) Voyage aux Indes O-
' ^" .^ rientales et a la Chine, depuis 1774
^y^rt/'^ , S' C>- jufqu'en 1781, dans lequel on traite
des moeurs, de la religion, des fai¬
ences, et des arts des Indiens, des
Chinois, des Pegouins, et des Made-
gafles; fuivi d'ohfervations fur le
Cap de Bonne Efperance, Jes Ifles de
France et de Bourbon, les 'aldives,
Ceylan, Malacca, les Philippines, et
les JVIoluques, et de recherches fur
I'hiftoire naturelle de ces pays, 2 torn.
A Paris 1782. zk 4.
Sophia [wife of M. de la Roche Coun-
fellor to the Eledlor at Treves,] Hi-
ftory of herfelf, under the name of
Lady Sophia Sternheim, tranflated
from the German by Jcfeph Collyer,
2 vol. London 1776. in 12.
Soranus Medicus. De digeilionibus.
MS. in pergam. Exft. cum Con-
ftantini viatico.
Southoufe (Thomas.) Monafticon Fa-
verlhamienfe in agro Cantiano ; or
A furveigh of the monaftry of Fa-
verfliam in the county of Kent. Lon¬
don 1671. in 8. Vide Philipot {Tho¬
Spallanzani ( .) Fifica, animale e
vegitabile, efpofta in differtazioni
colla giunta di due fcritti fullo fteflb
argomento del celebre Sig. Bonnet
indiretti all' autore, 3 torn. InVenezia
1782. in 8. Vedi Bonnet.
Spanheim {Ezekiet.) Vide JuUanus Ira
/^Z/,^. 3?«
Sparrman (Jtidri^v^) M. D. Voyage
to the Cape of Good Hope, towards
the Amardic Polar Circle, and round
the world ; but chiefly into the
country of the Hottentots and Caf-
fres, from the year 1772 to 1776,
tranflated from the Swedifh original.
2 vol. London 1785. in 4.
Sparrow {Anthony^) Bp. cf Exeter.f^] ^^
Colledion of articles, injundions^T^*/'' '
canons, orders, ordinances, and con- ^
ftitutions ecclefiaftical, with other
publick records of the church of
England, chiefly in the times of K.
Edward VI. Q^ Elizabeth, K. James,
-and K. Charles 1. London ibyi^
in 4.
Spartianus {JElius.) Vitae ImperatO'-^^ <? ^
rum. Exji. inter Car. Henr. dc '^^'^'
Klettenberg fcriptores hifl:. Rom.
â– torn. 2. pag.' 277.
Spathaforas {P. Placidus.) PatronyJ^^J/ //
mica Graeca et Latlna, ex utriufquclZ Ij'''''
linguae fcriptoribus fummo Itudio
excerpta : Quibus raulta accefl'erunt,
vel a receniioribus, vel ab ipfo auc-
tore, juxta regulas, atque licentias,
effida. Panormi 1668. in 4.
Speechly {William.) Treatife on the^ 4n]s\l^r
culture of the pine apple, and th^'*^ '>%> 7'
management of the hot-houfe, toge¬
ther with a defcription of every ipe-
cies of infe<ft that infefl: hot-houfes,
with efFedual methods of deftroying
them. York 1779. in 8.
Spencer {0. L.) Life of Henry Chi-]
chele, Abp. of Canterbury, founde
of AH Souls College in the Uni-
verfity of Oxford. London 1783.
in 8.
Spenfer {Edmund.) View of the ftate
Ireland in 1596. Dublin 1633, ^'*
Speroni {Sperone,) nobile Padovano.l 5.^,/o ^^^
Dialogi, di nuovo ricoretti, ed acX /*^*^'
crefciuti con I'apologia. In Venezia
1596. in 4.
Spiegel ius {Jacobus,) Vide Panormita

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