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Appendix Bibliotheca Facultatis yuridic^. 109
-Tralre des finances et d« lafauffe
Monnoie des Remains. A Paris
1740. in \i.
^ y^ La raaniere de difcerner les me-
• /x» dailies antiques d'avec lescontrefaites.
ibid, pag' 239.
Roman de la Rofe, commence par
Gmllaume de Lorris, et continue
par Jehan de Meun. MS. in 4.
I'hls ivorky ivritteji originally in
French^ luas tranjlated into EngliJIj
by Chaucer ivhils he ivas at courts
and about the time of the rife of
Wicklijfe's opinions.
——Autre exsmplaire du meme Ro¬
man de la Rofe. Plus, le teftament
et codicile de Jehan de Meun. MS.
in 4.
/^ ^ f Rofaccio [Giofeffo.) Defcritlione di tutta
^^^'/•'* la terra, in quattro libri. InVenetia
1598. in 4.
'yE"! ^<^fs {Walter.) Difcourfe upon the
tiLj^'^'^' removing of tenants; to which is
"^ ^ prefixed an addrefs to the Members
of the College of Juftice. Edinburgh
,<: 1782. in 8.
RofTi [Ottavio.) Memoire Brefciane,
opera hiftciica, e fimbolica rivcduta
' da Fortunate Vinaccefi. In Brefcia
1693. ^^ 4-
Rouillius [Gulielmus.) Promptuarium
iconum infigniorum a feculo homi-
y num, fubjedtis eorum vitis, per com-
/ pendium ex probatiffimis aucitoribus
defumptxs. Lugduni 1553. in 4.
Rouland (M.) Voyez Sigaud [M. de
la Fond.)
Roufe {Mr .) Speech before the
Lords at the tranfmiffion of Dr Gof-
fens, March 16. 1640. London 1641.
in 4.
Row {Mr yames.) Wounds of the
^*7.2y. Kirk of Scotland held forth inane
^ fermon preached at St Geiles the
great kirk in Edin^ upon ane faft
day, the laft Sunday of July, 1638.
MS. in 8. Exji. with Bifhop and Su-
perintendant, No. 4.
,y^ A^<X^ Row {Mr yohn^) Min"". at Carnock.
^' * '^ Hiftory of the Kirk of Scotland, froin
the yeare 1558 to Aug'. in anno 16^7;
to which is added a continuation
from Augt. 1637 to July 1639, by
Mr John Row Min^". at Aberdeen.
MS. in 4.
—The fame. MS. infoL This
not nenrfoJuU as tfye former. P.l^^
Rowlands {Henry.) Vide Anglefey, ^ /^ <? /
Iflandof. ^y^rO'J/,
Roy de Gomberville {Marin le.) Me- .^ ^ ^g-
moires de M. le Due de Nevers, de- *'^y7<;
puis I'annee 1574, jufqu'en 1595, ^.^rf' ^' '^^
et enrichis de plufieurs pieces parti-
culieres du temps, jufqu'en 1610,
1 torn. A Paris 1665. injol.
* Roy {N. le.) Extrads from his ru¬
ins of Atliens, with remains and o-
ther valuable antiquities in Greece,
tranflated into Englifh. London 1759.
Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh. Vide
Rud [Thomas?^ Difquifitio, in qua
probatur non Turgotum, fed Syme-
onem Dunelmenfem Monach. fuifTe
audorem hiftoriae Dunelmenfis Ec-
clefiae. ExJi. cum Symeone de ex-
ordio ccclefiae Dunelm. in principio.
Rudiments of War. Vide War, Rudi¬
ments of.
Rudyerds {Sir Benjamin.) Speech ^on-P"^! j
cerning bifhops, deanes, and chap-(^^ /./.
ters. London 1641. in 4.
Ruftis, feu RufFus {Sextus,) vel S. Ru- ^J^ ^ ^
fus Felhis. Breviarium rerum. jref- ^^*^- J^J^
tarum Pop. Rom. ad Valentenianum
Auguflum, notis variis illuftratum. ;
Exjl. inter Gar. Henr. de Klettcn-
berg fcriptores hift, Rom. torn. 2.
pag. 159.
Rumplerus {Angclus^) Abbas Formba-
cenfis Ord. S. Benedidi. De geftis
in Bavaria libri VL ab exceffu Geor-
gii Divitis Bav. inf. Ducis, ad an¬
num ufque 1506. Exfl. inter Oe-
felii rerum Boicarum fcriptores, torn.
I. pag. 8J.
Calamitatum Bavariae iiber unus.
Ibid. pag. 139.
E e

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