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Appendix Bibltotheca Facultatis yiiridic^, 5
~J^I <-la,Apollonius Rhodius. Argonautlcoium
./^f^.4=f^ librilV, Edidit, nova fere interpreta-
tione illuflravit, priorum editorum
notas praecipuas felegit, Sanftaraan-
di nunquam prius editis nonnullas
fuas adjecit, nee non indices tres ad-
didit, Joannes Shaw, A. M. 2 vol.
Oxoniiy e Typographco Cla endoniano^
^ ^ 1777. in 4.
''JL • A ^^^Apollonius, Sophifta. Lexicon Grae-
^^ ^^. cum, Gr. Lat. 2 tom. Lutetiae Pa-
C£*^^■I■'^ riftorum 1773. in ^ f<^^ ■
I ifi^ O. /'I Appeals. Cafes upon Appeals to the
moft remarkable points in the print¬
ed Cafes upon Appeals to the Houfe
of Lords, fmce the year 1701, upon
which the decrees and judgements
were affirmed, varied, or reverfed ;
together with another Alphabetical
Table of the names of the Cafes, re¬
ferring to the day and year, and
likewife to the Titles under which
they are placed in the firft Table,
with notice taken whether affirmed,
varied, or reverfed. 2 vol. MS. in
Cafes of Appeals before the Houfe
of Peers, from 1772 to 1785. 4 vol.
Cafes upon appeals and writs of
--j—r ' error. Vide Brown {Jofiah^
^J^^^tAproCms {Angelicus). Bibliotheca. Vide
-~* Bibliotheca Aprofiana.
£/jfiy /y rtn Apthorp {EaJ) D. D. Difcourfes on
*ir ' * »- • prophecy, read in the chapel of Lin-
coln's-Inn, at the ledlure founded by
the Right Rev. William Warburton,
late Lord Bp. of Gloucefler. London
1786. in 8.
'^ Jt"^ Aquavivus [Belifarius.) Aragonius.
De principum liberis educandis. Ba-
fileae isy^- in 8.
De venatione, aucupio, de re mi-
litari, de fingulari certamine. Ibid.
AT^^^^Archipel, Duche de 1'. Hiftoire des an-
ciens Dux et autres Soverains de I'Ar-
chipel, avec la defcription dcs prin-
cipales Ifles, et des chofes les plus
remarquables qui s'y voyent encore
aujourd'huy. A Paris i6qB, in 12,
Arckenkolt^ ) Memoirs concer-
nent Chriftine Reine de Suede, pour ^
fervir d'eclairciffiement a Thiftoire de
fon Regne, et principalement de la vie
privee, et aux evenemens de rhiftoire
de fon terns civile et literaire, 4 tom.
A Amjlerdam 1751. in 4. /;
Aretaeus. Eight books on the caufes, ^^irfO, Q..3I'
fymptomS, and cure of acute and
chronic difeafes, tranflated from the
original Greek, by John Moffat, M.
D. London 1786. in 8. 7""/^ f /'^
Aretino {Pietro.) Quatrro comedie [v^y^.| c'./.
cioe il Marefcalco, lu Cortegiana, la ^—-^
Talanta, I'Hipocrito. 1588.
in 12. T ^—r ^j
Arfeville, Lord of, F/^d-Daulphinois |[_ yp.l/,/<^'/;.
(Nichol. Nicholay.) "Z:
Argens {^enn Bapti/Ie.) Voyez Boyer,/ /Z. If? Ct-,
Marquis d' Argens. tllj ^ • "^ ^ *
Arias {BenediSius) Montanus. Com
munes et famiiiares Hebraicae lin¬
guae idiotifmi, omnibus Bibliorum
interpretationibus, ac praecipue La-
tinae fan6tis Pagnini verfione accom-
modati, Ant-verpiae 1572. infol.
—— Liber Jofeph, five De arcano fer-
mone. Antvetpiae 1571. infol.
Liber Jeremiae, five De adione.
Antverpias 1571- infol.
—— Thubal-Cain, five De menfuris
facris liber. Antverpiae
Phaleg, five De gentium fedibus
prirais orbifque terrae fitu, liber.
A}iverpiae 1572. infol.
Exemplar, five De facris fabricis
liber. Anlverpiae 1572. infol.
Aaron, five fandorum veftimen-
torum ornamentoru^jnque fumma de-
fcriptio. Antverpiae i^jz. infol,
Daniel, five De faecuiis codex in¬
teger. Antverpiae 1572. infol.
Ariofto [Lodovico.) Orlando Furiofo,
con le annotazioni de' piu' celebri
autori che fopra effia hanno fcritto, *
2 tom. InVenezia 1730. in foL r
11 medefimo, 4 tom. Birming- j^
ham, da' Torchi di G. Bafkerville, ^
1773. in 8. Vide Boyd [Henry.)
^y^yy^aiL- t.^S'

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