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54^ Bibliofhec^ Facultatis Jurtdic^ Catalogus.
d'Efcofle, et d'Irelande. A Paris
1655. in 4..
-l-rai(3:es de paix entre M. le Ma-
C .'r/l
refchal due de Graadmont et M. de
Lionne, ambafladeurs extraordinaires
et plenipotentiaires de France, et M.
leComte de Pegnaranda ambaffadeur
extraordinaire et plenipotentiaire d'
Efpagne, faides a Francfort en 1658.
A Paris 1658. in 4.
——Hiftoire des traites de paix, et au-
tres negotiations du dix feptieme fie-
cle, depuis la paix de Vervins jul-
qu' a la paix de Nimegue; on I'on
doniie I'origine des pretentions anci-
ennes et modernes de toutes les puif-
fances de I'Europe, et une analyfe
exafte de leurs negociations, tant
piibliques que particulieres, 2 torn.
A Amfierdam et A la Haye 1725. in
Traimiindus Clarevallenfis. Epiftolae
hiftoricae. Exjl. inter fcriptores
Francicos Duchefnii, torn, 4. fag.
TralHanus [Alexander^ Medicinae llbri
r-tLAU/MJ^/^'^/^f^^^^^^: GraecerLUuiLaaigaLluiiibuoJa
' *, / '/j- /-nKi nrmpyii Lutetuie cx ojficini
'ef-Jifn. frO^t^A^*^. Jax^e^
liu A^ ca4
et- srl(r?
Rob. Stephani 1 548. in fol.
Tralllanus [Phlegori.) Vide Phlegon.
Trampe ^Joannes Godofredtis^ typogra-
phus Hallenfis. Vide Kniphofius
(Z) 'Joannes Hieron,\
Tranfilvania. Vide Niklos {Bet km
Comte du.)
Tranfilvanicae infcriptiones veteres.
Vide Bongarfius {Joannes.)
Tranfilvano [Majftmiliano.) Lettera al
Cardinale di Salzburg, ibpra la navi-
gazione degli Spagnuoli. Sta neile
navigazioni del Ramuiio, torn. 1.
fogl 383-
Trapezuntius [Georgius?) Ada B. An-
dreae Chii. Exji. in Majo Bollandi-
ano, torn. "J-p^g- 185.
Trapp [Jojephus.) Praelediones poeti-
cae, in Tchola naturalis philolophiae
Oxonii habitae, editio tertia ab auc-
tore recognita, 2 vol. Londini 1736.
in 12.
Explanatory notes upon the four
gofpels, in a new method, 2 vol.
London 1747, 1748. in?>.
Three difcourfes, explaining fome ^ »
illuftrious prophefies of the old and^^^^^
new teftament, particularly thofe of
the former, which are interpreted in
the latter, with remarks upon the
peculiar genius, turn, and caft of the
prophecies in general. London 1747.
m 8. Vide Milton [John.)
Frattato Storico-cririco intorno la reli-
gionne pnmitivadegli Uomini, le mu-
tazione che ha patlto fin alia nafcita
del Criftianefimo le caufe generali,
la concatenazione e gli effetti delle
Erefie che hanno divifo i Criiliani;
oppe'ra tradotto dalla lingua F-ancefe,
ed illuftrata con note diltin6te con
quefto fegno * da Tommafo Antonio
Contin. Venezia 1759. in 8.
Trazigerus (Adam.) Chronica der .
Stacie Hamburg, a Carole iViagno,
uique ad Carolum V. anno Domini
1557 Ex/l. inter Weftphalii monu-
menta inedita rerum Germanicarum,
torn. 2. fol. 1259. Vide Sax [Pe-
fravels of the imagination; or a truc'^/f/
journey from Newcaftle to London'^^ ^- '^■
in a flage-coach, with obfervations
upon the metropolis, by J. M. Lon~
don \'i']Z' in 12.
Traverfeur. Vide Bouchet [Jehan.)
Treafon. Common and ftatute law of
England concerning trials in high
trealbn, mifprif:)n of treafon, and in
all other crimes and offences relating
to the crown, alphabetically digefted
under proper titles, wherein the
learning of appeals is at large let
forth under the fame head, the whole
brought down to the year 1710. In
the Savoy 1710. in 8.
Form and method of trial of com
moners in cafes of high treal'on and
mifprifon of high treafon, purfuant
to the ftatute made in the feventh
year of the reign of King William
111. And allv^ in cafes of other trea-
fons and mifprifions of treafon, not

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