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534 Bibhothec^ Facultatis yuridic^ Catalogiis.
manicarum Inedita, torn. Z'fol- 3^0.
Tlirockmorton {Sir Nicholas.) Vide
Throckmorton [Sir Thomas.)
Throckmorton [Sir Thomas.) Legend of
Sir Nicholas Throckmorton, (his
uncle) chief Butler of England, and
Chamberlain of the Exchequer, who
died of poifon anno 1570, an hifto-
tical poem. Exft. in Peck's memoirs
of the life of Mr John Milton.
Thuanus [Jacobus AuguJIiis.) Vide Mo-
numenta litteraria.
Thucydides Olori Filius /^thenienfis.
De hello Peloponnefiaco libri VIIL
Gr. Lat. ex editione WafTii et Dukeri,
7 torn. Glajgiiae 1759 in 8. Vide
Averanius [Benedi^us,) Florentinus.
Thulemarius [Heiiricus Giintenis.) Re-
lationum decifionum et votorum ab
camerae imperialis judiciiD. afleflb-
ribiis et Cl. affeflbratus candidatis ela-
boratorum et propofitorum, opus in
II. partes diftributum, continens va-
riarum arduarum et rarioris argu-
menti caufarum accuratiffimam et e-
ruditiffimam enucleationem, difciifli-
onem, atque decifionem, cum relatio-
num fummariis. Francofurti et Wez-
lariae 1696. in 4.
Thura [Aibertus,] Laurentii fil. Idea
hiltoriae litterariae Danorum in duas
partes diviAi, quarum prior Danorum
linguam, fcholas, gymnafia, acade-
mias, collegia academica, honores
academicos, profeffores, ftudiofos,
bibliothecas, bibliothecarios, typo-
graphia et bibhopolia breviter recen-
fet. Hamburgi. 1723 in 8.
Pars altera,ftudiorum in Dania per
duo fere fecula pofteriora originem,
progreflum, et fata compleditur. I-
bid. pog. 243.
Thuringiae Monafterium. Vide Mifniae.
Thuringica hiftoria. De Landgraviis
iftius provinciae tradatus Ires. Exjl.
inter rerum Germanicarum fcriptores
Piftorii, vol. i. pag. 908.
Thuringicum chronicon. Vide Krey-
figius [M, Geor, Chrijioph.)
Thurius {Georgius.) Vide Czvittingeri
fpecimen Hungariae literatnrae, pag.
Thurloe (Johnj) Efq; Secretary to the
two Protedlors, Oliver and Richard
Cromwell. Colledlion of State pa¬
pers, containing authentic memori¬
als of the Englifh affairs from the
year 1638 to the reftoration of K.
Charles II. publifhed from the origi¬
nals, formerly in the library of John
Lord Somers, Lord high ChanceHor
of England ; and fmce, in that of
Sir Jofeph Jeykell, Knt. late maftef
of the rolls; including alfo a coniide-
rable number of original letters and
papers, communicated by his Grace
the Archbifhop of Canterbury, from
the library at Lambeth, the right
honourable the Earl of Shelburn,
and other hands: The whole digeft^
ed into an exa6t order of time, to
which is prefixed the life of Mr
Thurloe, by Thomas Birch, 7 vol.
London 1742. infol.
Thurfton [Jofeph.) Poems on feveral
occafions, London 1737. in 8..
The fall in four books. Lond(
I'^li. in 8.
Thwaites [Edivardus.) Vide Biblia.
Thwrocz [Joannes de.) Vide Joannes
de Thwrocz.
Thynn [vulgo Thin, alias Boteville]
[Francis.) Treatife of Sterling mo¬
ney. ExJI. in Hearne's collection of
eminent antiquaries, vol. i. pag. 13.
Antiquity of Shires in England-.
Ibid. pag. 21.
Antiquity and etymology and the
times for adminiftration of juftice in
England. Ibid. pag. '2,7,.
Antiquities of the houfes of law^
Ibid. pag. 66.
Difcourfe of the duty and office of
an herald of arms, anno 1605. Ibid,
pag. 139.
-Antiquity of epitaphs in England..
Ibid. pag. 251.
Antiquity, authority, and fucceflion
of the High Steward of England.
Ibid. vol. 2. pag. 24.

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