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Bibliotheca Facultatis Juridic^ Catalogus. 525
♦■If y
Taffi (Cafparus^) Nobilis Hungarus.
Vide Czv\i(\\-\gen fpeclmen Hungariae
literaturae, pag. 378.
Taflb {Bernardo.) Stanze. Stanno fra
Poetae Italiani majores, pag. 99.
Taffo [Torqiiato.) Opere, racolte per
Giufeppe Mauro, con le controverfie
£,~3.J. fopra la Geruralemme liberata, e con
Is annotazioni intere di vari autori,
notabilmente in quefta impreffionc
accrefciute, 12 vol. Venez'ia 1722.—
I 742. in 4.
Stanze fopra la gelofia. Stanno fra
Poetae Italiani majores, pag. 290.
Profe, divife in cinque parti nuo-
^^- vamente pofle in luce feparate dalle
rime, 2 torn. In Venetia 1612. in
II Goffredo, ou vero Gerufalemme
Z. libcrata, nuova edizione arrichita di
figure en rame, e d'annotazioni, colla
vita dell autore. In Venezia 1760.
in 4.
—La Gierufalemme liberate, 2 vol.
^ij/^.^ jy
Glajgoiv 1763. in 8.
^T'he fame, done into Englifh he-
roical verfe, by Edward Fairfax.
London 1620. infoL
"yrJS- ^c^ ^^ ^'^^ ^""^ Tafle. J?njierdam
"T' ^ 1695. in 12.
Taffoni [Alejpindro.) Penfieri diverfi
/%. libri X. corretti, ampliati, e arricchiti
per tutto dair auttore di nuove curi-
ofita. In Venetia 1676. iii 4.
Tatars. Vide Abulgafi-Bayadurchan.
*.Tate [Francis.) Knights made by Ab¬
bots. Exji. in Hearne's colled:ion of
.eminent antiquaries, 'vol. i. pag.
•• 84.
Queftions about the ancient Britons.
Ibid. pag. 126. Vide Jones.
Antiquity of arms in England an¬
no 1598. Ibid. pag. 168.
Antiquity, variety, and ceremo¬
nies of funerals in Erigland, anno
1600. Ibid. pag. 215.
Antiquity of parliament;^ in Eng¬
land. Ibid. pag. 2C)C). ^
-Antiquity, authority, and fuccef-
fion of the High Steward of Eng¬
land. Ibid. ifol. 2. pag. 30
Part. II.
Cammera Stellata : or, An expla¬
nation of the court of Star-chamber;
together with an account of the of¬
fences there punifhable, the fees pay¬
able, and the orders for proceedings
therein. Ibid. pag. zj'j,
Antiquity of the word Sterlingo-
rum or Sterling. Ibid. pag. 315.
Tathwell [Corntvell,) M. D, Hiilory of a
patient affedted with periodic Nephri¬
tic convulfions. Exjl. in Eflays phv-
fical and Hterary, read before a fociety
in Edinburgh, 'vol. 1. pag. 449.
Hiftory of a fever after child -bear¬
ing. Ibid. pag. 454.
Hiftory of a fever with bad fym-
ptoms. Ibid. pag./^^S.
Tatianus Syrus, di»ftus etiam Alexan-
drinus feu AfTyrius. Harmonia evan-
gelica, e Latina Vidloris Capuaai ver-
fione tranflata in linguam Theotifcam
antiquiffimam, editio poft: primuin
Palthenianam nova emendatior. Ac-
cedit fragmentum aliud Theotifcum,
quo Chrifti cum Samaritana muliere
colloquium rhythmo vetuftiffimo ex-
hibetur. U/mae lyiy.infoL
Oratio adverfus Graecos, Gr. Lat.
Ex/l. cum Juftino Martyre, edit. Be-
nedidina, pag. 243.
Tatius (Theodorus Relandus.) Difler-
tatio de facerdote Gaftrenfi Hebraeo-
rum. ExJi. iu UgoHni thefauro an-
tiquitatum facrarum, torn. 12. pag.
Tatti (M. Gio<va7ini.) Vedi Riccio [Mi~
Tavernier [John.) Entertaining cor- //^^ j>
refpondent, or neweft and moll com- ^^^•/' ^
pleat polite letter-writer in three parts.
Berivick ij^g. in iz.
Taurellus {Laeliiis.) Ad legem Gallum,
et legem Velleam, et ad Catonem, et
Paulum enarrationes. Exjl. cum Ant.
Auguftini emendationibus, pag. 294.
De militiis ex cafu, ad Ant. Au-
guftinum epiftola. Ibid. pag. ^^.i.
Taxae Cancellariae Apoftolicae et Taxae
poenitentiariae Apoftolicae, Lat. Belg.
Her tog en Bojch 1664. in 8.
Taxed lands. Inventary of the taxt
6 R lands

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