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Bibliothec^ Facultatis yuridicc€ Catalogus. 501
pertle wtherwyfe called Rotuli, vel
computa ballivorum ad extra, 1595.
MS. Ibid.
-Rentall buik of the propertle. MS.
Skianach. Vide Sky lile of.
Skurray {JVickes.) Vide Venuti [Mar¬
quis Don Mar cello di.)
iSky or Skianach. Defcriptlon of the
Ifle of Sky, the greateft of the we-
flern iflands. MS. Exjl. with Gor¬
don of Straloch's MS. Colledions.
Slatyer {William,) D. D. Genethliacon;
five ftemma Jacobi, genealogia fcilicet
Regia, Catholica, Anglo-Scoto-Gam-
bro-Brittannica ; as an appendix, by
way of a genealogical, hiftorical, and
chronographical table, belonging to
the firll part of Palae-Albion, be¬
ing the hiftorie of the Kings and
Princes of Great Britaine. London,
infol. 1630.
Sleidan [Jean.) Oeuvres, traduits en
Fran9ois par Pierre Franyois le Cour-
rayer, avec des notes, 2 torn. A la
Haye 1767. in 4.
Slevogtns iPaulus.) Differtatio de Me-
tempfychofi Hebraeorum. Exjl. in
Ugolini thefauro antiquitatum facra-
rum, torn. 22. pag. 278.
• DifTertatio de Profelytis Judaeorum.
Ibid. pag. 808.
Sliford (M^illiam.) Court-regifter and
ftatefmans remembrancer, containing
a feries of all the great officers, prime
minifters of flate, &c. from the Re-
ftoration of King Charles 11. to this
prefent year; together with the com-
miffioners for managing the feveral
branches of the crown revenues, from
their firfl appointment ; and alfo
fome account of the inftitution, na¬
ture, and bufmefs of the feveral of¬
fices. London 1733. in 8.
Sloane [Sir Hans,) M. D. Fellow of the
Phyficians and Secretary of the Ro-
^ yal Society* Voyage to the iflands
Madera, Barbados, Nieves, S. Chri-
ftophers, and Jamaica, with the na¬
tural hiftory of the herbs and trees,
four-footed beafts, filhes, birds, in-
Part. II.
feds, reptiles, &c. of the laft of thofe
iflands; to which is prefixed an in-
trodu6tion, wherein is an account of
the inhabitants, air, waters, difeafes,
and trade of that place, with fome
relations concerning the neighbour¬
ing continent and iflands of America,
illufl:rated with the figures of the
things defcribed, which have not
been heretofore engraved, in large
copper-plates as big as the life, 2
vol. London 1707. infol.
Smalbroke [Richard,) D. D. Bifliop of
St David's, afterwards of Lichfield
and Coventry. Vindication of the
miracles of our bleflTed Saviour, in / / j i^
which Mr Woolfl:on*s fix difcourfes
are particularly examined and an-
fwered, 2 vol. London 1729, 1731. z« 8.
Smellie [William,) M. D. Treatife on
the theory and practice of midwifery^
Vol. I. London 1752. in 8.
-—Vol. II. colledion of cafes and ob-
fervations in midwifery to illufl:rate
his former treatife on that fubjet5t
London 1754. in 8.
-Vol. III. colleftion of preternatu¬
ral cafes and obfervations in midwife¬
ry, compleating the defign of illu-
flrating his firfl: volume, on that fub-
]tOi. London. 1764. in 8.
Smeregus [Nicolaus.) Notarius Chro-
nicon Gerardi Maurifii et Antonii
Godi monumentis affine, ab anno
Domini 1200, ufque ad annum 1279,
cum anonymi fupplemento, ad an¬
num 1312. Exjl. inter Muratorii
fcriptores rerum Italicarum, tom. 8i
P^g' 95-,
Chronlcon Marchiae Tarvicinae.
Exjl. cum Albertino Muflato.
Smith [Adam,) Profeflbr of moral phi- 0 / /
lofophy in the Univerfity of Glaf- ^
gow. Theory of moral fentiments.
London 1759. in 8.
Smith [Charles.] Ancient and prefent
ftate of the county and city of Wa-
terford, being a natural, civil, Ec-
clefiaftical, hifliorical, and topogra¬
phical defcription thereof. Dublin
I'J46. in 8.
6 L Antient

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