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Btbliothec^ Facultatis Juridic^^ Catalogus. 485
-——Linen manufadure in Scotland.
Vide Linen manufa<Slure.
Royal Burrows of Scotland. Vide
Royal Burrows.
Scott [Daniel.) Appendix ad thefaurum
1/ // /--Graecae linguae ab Hen. Stephano
"conftrudum; et ad lexica Conftanti-
ni et Scapulae, 2 vol. Londini 1745.
in fol.
Scott [David.) Hiftory of Scotland,
containing all the hiftorical tranfac-
tions of that nation, from the year
of the world 3619, to the year of
Chrifl: 1726. Weftminjler I'JiJ. injol.
Scott [George-Lewis.) Vide Hawkins
Scott [Joh7i.) Notes and obfervations
upon the three firft chapters of Ge-
fi-^JT/J- nefis. London 1753. in 8.
—Holy fcriptural dodrine of the di¬
vine Trinity in elTential unity, and
the fupreme Godhead of Jefus Chrill
being One and the fame with his Fa¬
ther's, ftiewn to be not only demon-
ftrative, but moft clearly conceivable,
fpiritual, and fcriptural truths. Lon-
don 1754. in 8.
Scott (Mr.) M. A. Epigrams of Mar-
St. tialj with mottos from Horace, tran-
/ flated, imitated, adapted and addreifed
to the nobility, clergy, and gentry,
with notes, moral, hiftorical, expla¬
natory, and humorous. London 1773.
in 12.
Scott (Mrj-.) Life of Theodore Agrip-
pa D'Aubigne, containing an account
of the moft remarkable occurrences
during the civil wars of France in the
reigns of Charles IX. Henry III.
Henry IV". and in the minority of
Lewis XIII. London 1772. in 8.
Scott [Wtliiam.) Beft new-years gift
for a prime minifter; being the fub-
ftance of two fermons preached at a
few fmall churches only, and publifli-
cd at the repeated requeft of the con¬
gregations. Londo7i ij'j/\.. in S.
Scotus [Joannes.) Duns. Vide Duns,
Scotus Marianus, Fuldenfis monachus.
Chronicon de fex aetatibus mundi,
Part. II.
libris III. fciz. ab O. C. ad A. C.
1083, cum appendice Dodechini ab-
batis, ad A. D. 1200. Exji. inter
rerum Germanicarum fcriptores Pi-
ftorii, torn, i.pag. 266.
-Idem ab anno 879 ad annum 944.
ExJi. inter Bouquet rerum Gallicarum
fcriptores, torn. 8. pag. 269.
Scotus Ratifponenfis monachus. Vita
SS. Mariani, Scoti et Murchelati in-
clufi. ExJ}. in Februario BoUandiano,
to?n. 2. pag. 365.
Scougal [Henry,) A. M. and S. T. P.
in the King's college in Aberdeen. Jj^
Life of God in the foul of man ; or ^^'
the nature and excellency of the
Chriftian religion. London 1735.
in 8.
Difcourfe on the indifpenfible du¬
ty of loving our enemies. Ibid. pag.
Difcourfe on the neceflity and ad¬
vantage of early afflidions. Ibid,
pag. 127.
Difcourfe on the duty and pleafure
of praife and thankfgrving. Ibid,
pag. 169.
Difcourfe on the nativity of our
Saviour. Ibid. pag. i^tj.
——Difcourfe on the paffion of our Sa¬
viour. Ibid. pag. 210.
Preparation for the holy facrament,
Ibid. pag. 229.
-Difcourfe on the importance and
A C,^2.
difficulty of the minifterial function,
preached before the fynod of Aber¬
deen. Ibid. pag. 239.
Sermon preached at his funeral
by G. G. D. D. Ibid. pag. 270.
Scribanius, feu Scribanus [Carolus.) CrS~3)
De amore divino. Antverpiae 161^.
in 8. Jyyjt^^tch-
Scrinium antiquarium, five mifcellanea
Groningana,^ nova. Vide Gerdefms
Scriptores rei rufticae. Vide Rufticae
rei fcriptores.
Scripture vindicated, in anfwer to a /
book entitled, Chriftianity as old as ^'^•<^hg>
the creation. London 1734. in 8.
Scriverius [Petrus.) Eplftolae variam
6 G dodrinam

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