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454 Bib hot bee.^ Faeultatis Jiiridie^e Catalogus.
a S' /c^.Ridlaeus five Ridley [NichoU] BiOiop of
London. The way to peace amongfl
all Proteftants, in a letter to Bifliop
Hooper, with obfervations upon it.
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l^iech [Daniel.) Differentiae juris feu-
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faticarum, torn. 2.. part. 2.pag. i.
Riedefel { ) Baron. Travels
jM^. 7. -3/ through Sicily and that part of Italy
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ticulorura, et Koffinenfis edi£ti inter-
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Rimius '\He71ry.) Memoirs of the houfe
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pHne, humori, elementi, corpi celefti,
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* Ripperda, Duke de. Memoirs, being
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