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440 Bibliothec^ Facultatis Jiiridtd^ Catalogus.
lu /. 5.
Jp StS-
Rainerus Cellenfis monachus. De mi-
raculis S. Gifleni. Ex/I. in Mablllo-
nii Saeculo II. Benedi£tino, pag.
Rainoldus [Joannes.) Summa coUoquii
ejus cum Johanne Harto de caplte et
fide ecclefiae, Latine, interprete Hen-
rico Parraeo Glouceftrenfi Ep. Oxonii
161 o. in fol.
Raifon, I'ifle de la, ou les petlts hom-
mes, comedie. A Paris 1 727. in 12.
Rakoczy [Franfois Prince du.) Me-
moires fur la guerre de Plongrie,
depuis 1703, jufq'a fa fin. Exji. a-
vec I'hiftoire des revolutions de Hon-
grie, torn. 2.
Raleigh [Dr Walter^) Dean of Wells.
Remains, being difcourfes and fer-
mons on feveral fubjeds. London
1679. in 4.
Raleigh [Sir IValter.) Vide Tryal.
Ralph [James.) Hiftory of England
during the reigns of King William,
Queen Anne, and K. George I. with
an introdudory review of the reigns
of the royal Brothers Charles and
James j in which are to be found the
feeds of the revolution, 2 vol. London
1744. infoL
Rameau [Jean-Baptijle.) Generation
harmonique, ou traite de mufique
theorique et pratique. A Paris 1737.
171 8.
^The fame tranflated into Engliih.
London 1752. in 4.
Ramefienfe Coenobium. Vide Petro-
Ramlotaeus [Simon Magnus.''^^^Xz. Mar¬
tini ab Azpilcueta. F.^. in Azpil-
cueta comment./>o/?./)^;^. 136. Vide
.Azpilcueta [Martinus Ab.)
Ramos del Monzano {D. Franci/cus,) I.
C. Ad leges ]uliam et Papam, et
quae ex libris jtirifconfiiltorum frag-
menta ad illas infcribuntur, com-
mentarii et reliquationes. Queis, ul¬
tra theorica ex Romano jure, nova,
aut paradoxa, acceflere eleda noh
pauca, facra, ecclefiaftica, theologica,
canonica, et pro tribunalium ufu fo-
renfia et pra^lica. Acceflere item dif-
fertationes duae extemporales, prior
de ufiifructu, municipibus legato, in
/. 8. Dig. de ujufr. leg. altera de do-
mefticiset protedoribus, ad I. 2. Cod,
de excufat. mun. 2 vol. Matriti 1678.
in fol.
Eadem omnia, quibus praemiifa eft
audloris vita, fcriptore Georgio Ma-
janfio. Exjl. in Meermanni thefauro
juris civilis et canonici, torn. 5.
Schediafma de concubinis, aerum-
que turn fimilitudine, turn differentia
a legitimis uxorlbus. Jbid. pag. 551.
-Opera varia, colleda et emendata.
partimque ex autographis extradta,
opera fl;udioque ejus difcipuli Jofephi
Fernandez de Retes. Ibid, torn. 7.
pag. I.
Ramfay [Andretu Michael,) commonly
called the Chevalier Ramfay. Philo- . ■
fophical principles of natural and re- U
vealed religion, unfolded in a geome¬
trical order, 2 vol. Glafgoiv 1748. i«4.
Ramus [Fridericus Chrijiianus.) Aqui-
larum imperil Biga ; hoc eft, tradiatus
Aquilam duplicem Sacr. Germ. Im¬
peril infigne, ab Adlero rege et heroe,
Lemgoviae 1716. in 4.
Ramus [Jonas.) Norvegia antlqua et
ethnica Chriftianae. 1689. in 4.
Ramus [Petrus.) Vide Ariftotle. Car-
pentarius [Jacobus.) Freigius [Jo,
Ramufio [Giambatijla.) Navigazioni
e viaggi diverfi, 3 torn. In Venetia
Ranby [John.) Narrative of the laft ill- p /
nefs of the Earl of Orford. Londotti_£^
1745. in 8.
Ranchinus [GiiUelmus.) Tra£latus de
fucceffionibus ab inteftato; in quo
jus Gallicum cum Romano edocetur.
Exjl. in iVIeermanni novo thefauro
juris civilis et canonici, torn. 3. pag.
Edidum perpetuiim Salvi Juliani
reftitutum. Ibid. pag. 235.
Randolph [George,) M. D. Enquiry /-
into the medicinal virtues of Briftol-^^/^
ts'ater, and the indications of the
cure which it anfwers. London 1750,
in 8.

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