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4o8 Bibltothec£ Facultatts Juridica Catalogus,
' diverfes de phyfique et de mecha-
* nique, i torn. Le'tde 1721. hi 4.
Perrault (Pierre,) Frere aine de Claude
de I'academie Fran9oife, receveur ge¬
neral des finances de la generalite de
Paris. Traite de Torigine des fon-
taines. Exji. entfe les oeuvres diverfes
de Claude Perrault. tarn. 2. pag. yi^.
* Perrenot [Antoine,) Cardinal de Gran-
ville archevefque de Befan^on, vice-
roi de Naples, miniftre de TEmpereur
Charles Quint et de Philippe 11. Roi
d^Efpagne. Hiftoire. A Paris \ 761 .in?>.
Pcrreriis {GuiUielmus de.) Oratio in e-
le£tione fummi pontificis. Exji. in
thefauro novo anecdotorum. per Mar-
tene et Durand, torn. 1. coL 1753.
Ferret [Jean Jacques.) L'art du coutelier.
ExJi. en defcription des arts et me¬
tiers, 'torn. 11.
Perrin [John.) Entertaining and in-
ftrudive exercifes, with the rules of
the French fyntax. London 1773.
in 12.
* Perrin del Vague. A,brege de fa vie.
Ex/i. en Catalogue raifonne par M.
Lepicie, torn. i. pag. 123.
Perron [Anquetil du.) Fide Zoroaftre.
Perronet (M.) Vide Reaumur [M. de.)
*Perrugin [Pierre.) Abrege de fa vie.
ExJi. en Catalogue raifonne par M.
Lepicie, torn. I. pag. 63.
Perry [Charles.) View of the Levant,
particularly of Conftantinople, Syria,
Egypt, and Greece, 4 parts, i vol.
London 1743. infol.
Perry [Wifdiam.) Man of bufmefs and
gentleman's affifiant, containing trea-
tifes of arithmetic, book-keeping, and
Engljili grammar. Edinburgh 1774.
in 8.
Pers [Jean Baptifles le.) Vide Charle-
Perfia. Hiftory of the late revolutions
of Perfia, taken from the memoirs of
Father Krufmfki, done into Englifh
by Father du Cerceau, 2 vok London
1740. in 8.
Perfian tales, tranflated from Ina-
tulla of Delhi, 2 vol. London 1768.
in 12.
Perfian letters, Vide Lyttelton.
PE .
Perfius [Aulus,] Flaccus. Satyrae VI. „ 2?
cum quinque commentariis. PariftisA^:*^i
apud Afcenfium 1^27,. infol. ^^'^ ^j
Eaed. a Nicodemo Frifchlino e ve-^. - J\ j
tuftiffimi codicis fide paraphrafi lucu-'^f'^-'
lenta illuftratae,Valentini infuper Vol- ^'^'m-.
fci, Engentini, et Foquelini commea-
tariis explicatae. BafiUac 1582. «z 4.
Et apiid R. Stephanum. Lutetiae ^^
1614. in 8.
Et cum notis Tho. Marfhal. Exjl.
cum Juvenale T. Marlhall.
-Et ex recenfione Ifaaci Caufoboni
ExJi, cum Juvenali, edit. Glafguen,
pag. 113.
•Et Exjl. in Colledione Pifaurenfi,
torn. IV. pag. 94. Vide Specimen
variae literaturae, part. i. pag. 125.
-Lat. Fr. traduits par Tarteron.
A Paris 1706. in 8.
Perfon (Z)rt'yzV,)ofLoghlands in Scotland.^^
Varieties, or, A furvey of rare ancT^"
excellent matters neceffary and de-
ledable for all forts of perfons, in 5
books. London 1635. in 4.
Perth, fherifdom of. Valued rents of
all the paroches within the bounds of
the Jlierrfdome of Perth, as the faid
' valued rents are now devydit and
dravine out in this new rentall-booky
1680, MS. infol.
Pervigilium Veneris, five carmen tro-
chaicum de vere. ExJi. in Colledione
Pifaurenfi, ton:. IV. pag. 225.
Peru, kingdom of. Vide Lima.
*Peruzzi [Balthazar.) Abrege de fa
vie. ExJi. en Catalogue raifonne par
M. Lepicie, torn. i. pag. 48.
Peruzzi [Bindo Simone.) Dillertazione
fopra PArufpicina Tofcana. Sta ira
Saggi di differtazioni delP accademia
Etrufca, torn, i. part. i. pag. 43.
Pefchwitz [GodeJridus de.) Commenta-
rlus in familiamCaefarum Auguftam.
ExJi. cum Caefari Auguiii temporuin
notatione, pag. 72.
Pefid^ha, h. e. Commentarius in T-evI-
ticum, Nurneros, et Deuteronomium,
cum veriione Blafii Ugolini. ExJi. i
in Ugolini thefauro antiquitatum
facrarum, torn, i S-pag. 998.

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