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Bibliothec^ Facultatis Juridic^ Catalogue, 389
o R
le(Sla hiftorica, pag. 153.
Et in Mifcellaneis Baluzii, torn. 3.
Ortlob [Joannes Chrijiophorus.) Con-
jedura de fcutis et clypeis Hebraeo-
rum. Exji. in Ugolini thefauro an-
tiquitatum facrarum, torn. 27. pag.
—j Orton [Job.) Memoirs of the hfe,
vJ^f'/- character, and writings of Phihp
Doddridge. London iy66. in 8.
Orville [Jacobus Ph'iUppus de.) Sicula,
quibus SIciliae veteris riidera, additis
antiquitatum tabuhs, illuftrantiir. E-
dldit et commentarium ad numifma-
ta Sicula, XX. tabulis aeneis incifa,
et ad tres infcriptiones majores, Ge-
nee hon minorum infcriptionum fyl-
logen, orationem in au<Sloris obitum,
et praefationem adjecit Petrus Bur-
mannus fecundus, 2 torn, i vol. Atn-
jlelaedami 1754. infoL
L Ofbeck [Peter.) Voyage to China and
^.^X^M/Z'/K^^ Eaft-Indies, tranflated from the
German by John Reinhold Forfler,
1 vol. London I'JJi- in 8.
Ofbernus Cantuarienfis Monachus.
Vita S. Elphegi Cantuarienfis A.
ExJi. in Mabillonii ^Saeculo VI. Be-
nedi(ilino,/?rt/Y. i. pag. 102.
Et in Aprili Bollandiano, toin. 2.
pag. 631. _ '
Vita S. Dunfl:ani Cantuarienfis A.
Ex/l. in Mabillonii Saeculo V. Bene-
di^'mo, pag. 639.
-Fragmenta ejufdem vitae. Ibid.
pag. 684.
Fragmenta de ejufdern miraculis.
Ibid. pag. 691.
-Eadem vita. ExJi. in Majo Bol¬
landiano, torn. ^, pag. 359.
-Vita S. Odonis Cantuarienfis A.
Exjl. in Mabillonii Saeculo V. Bene-
didino, pag. 286.
Ofbertus Cantuarienfis Monachus. Frag¬
menta ex libris de vita et mira-
(iulis S. Dunftani Archiepifc. Can¬
tuarienfis. ExJ}. in Mabillonii Sae¬
culo V. Benediitino,/>^^. 639.
Ofburne [Thomas.) Colledion of voy-
Part. IL
ages and travels, compiled from the
curious and valuable library of the
Earl of Oxford, 2 vol. London 1745.
Ofburne [Thomas^) Earl of Danby.^^^/^ A./7
Arguments at the court of King's /
Bench at Weftminfter, upon his Lord-
fhip's motion for bail, 27th May,
• 1682. Together with the judges an-
fwers, and the Earl's replies. Lon¬
don 1682. in fol.
Memoirs relating to his impeach¬
ment in the year 1678; wherein
fome affairs of thofe times are repre-
fented in a jufter light than has hi¬
therto appeared. London 1710. z«8.
Copies and extrads of letters writ¬
ten to and from him in the years
1676, 1677, and 1678. London
1710. in 8.
Ofiander [Joannes Adamus,) SS. Theo-
log. D. et P. P. Chronotaxis hiflo-
rica patriarcharum, regum, impera-
torum, conciliorum, patrum, fcholaf-
ticorum, &c. Tubingae 1673. iti
■De afylis Hebraeorum. ExJi. m
Ugolini thefauro antiquitatum facra-
rura, tO}n. 26. pag. 360.
Ofius [Felix.) Notae et caftigationes
in hiftoriam Albertini Muflati. Vide
Muflfatus [Albertinus.)
Ofmundus Afloricenfis Epifcopus. E-
piftola ad Idam ComitifTam Bononien-
fem. Exjl. inter Mabillonii analeda
vetera, pag. 433.
Ofnabrug. Voyez Munfter.
Offian [the fon of Fingal.] Fingal, an
ancient epic poem in VI. books; to¬
gether with feveral other poems,
tranflated from the Galic language by
James Macpherfon. London 1762.
in 4. Vide Blair [Dr Hugh.)
11 medefimo. Trafportate in ver-
fo Italiano dall' Ab. Melchior Cefarot
ti, con varle annotazioni de' due tra-
duttori, 2 torn. Padova 1763. in 8.
OflTune, Due d'. Vide Milan.
Otes. Vide Oates [Titus.)
Oteyza et Olano [Athanaftus.) Parali-
pomenon et eledorum juris civilis, fe-
5 F ledtarumque

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