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^66 Bihliothec^ Facultatis yuridic^ Catalogus,
^,^ /.
himfelf. Ibid.
Morris [Corbin.) Obfervations on the
pad growth and prefent (late of the
city of London, Exji. with mortali¬
ty bills, from 1657 ^^ '75^» P'^S'
Mortality. Collodion of the yearly bills
of mortality in the city of London,
from 1657 ^° *75S> inclufive, toge¬
ther with feveral other bills of an
earlier date. London 1759. in 4.
Comparative view of the difeafes
and ages, and a table of the proba¬
bilities of life, for the laft thirty
years, by J. P. Efq; Ibid, ad calcem.
Mortier (David.) Architedlure, pein-
ture, et fculpture dc la maifon de ville
d*Amfterdam, reprefentee en 109
figures, avec un explication hiftorlque
de chaque figure, pour T intelligence
des difFerens fujeds, dont la plupart
font tirez de Phiftoire ancienne et de
la fable* Am/ierdam 1719. in fol,
Mortimer (7!) Every man his own bro¬
ker. London 1761. in 8. S^his .w
fmd ffi fciTTig fCiiiLM wiitten bj David
h/lnrumrr [V ) ITrj, liii bin Mii
il foi ilii i-lkuftiiiuu
U. Zv^v
Remarkable cafe, with
an appendix, containing an extra¬
ordinary anecdote concerning a Ruf¬
fian failor. London 1770. in 8.
Morton [Charles.) Vide Whitelocke
[Sir Buljirode.)
Morton {John.) Tranfcript of Doomef-
day-book, fo far as it concerns North-
ampton-lhire. London ij22. in foL
Morus [Alexander,) Poemata. Parijiis
1669. in 4.
Soteria. Laus Chrifti nafcentis.
Parifiis 1663. i« 4.
Difcours derniers. A Amfierdam
1680. in 8. /: g,/fi^^, Ca^/'
Morus [Henricus^ D. D. Opera theolo-
gica ex Anglico Latine reddita per
feipfum. London 1675. in fol.
——Tratlatulus de fyuchroniimis apo-
calypticis, et de inteliigibilitate vilio-
num apocalypticarum. Ibid, inprincip.
—-Dpera philofophica, tum quae La-^ £
tine turn quae Anglice primitus
fcripta funt, nunc vero partim afeip-
fo, partim ab amico in Latinum verfa,
2 vol. London 1689. in fol.
■^—^Modeft inquiry into the myftery/, / .J
of iniquity: The firft part; con- ' ^
taming a carefull and impartial de¬
lineation of the true idea of Antichri-
ftianifm. London 1664. in fol.
Synopfis prophetica, or the fecond
part. Ibid.
His apology: Wherein is contain-^ . ^\
ed, as well a more general accvjunt
of the manner and fcope of his wri¬
tings, as a particular explication of
feveral paflages of his grand myftery
of godlinefs. London 1664. in fol.
—-Divine hymns upon the nativity,
pailion, refurre(flion, and afcenlion
of our Lord and Saviour Jefus Chrift.
London 1706. in 8. ^/C ^y^/A
^Two letters concerning felf-fove,
written to a late learned author:
With another to William Penn about
baptifm and the Lord's fupper. Zo«-
don 1708. in 8. kk^bJlf..
Divine dialogues, ^containing dif-
quifitions concerning the attributes
and providence of God, in which the
mofl: important objeftions againft the
wifdom and goodnefs of God, from
the appearance of natural and moral
evil, are fully anfwered. 3 vol. 1 tom.
Glafgoiv 1743. in J2. Jc>^.
VIorus [Thomas,) Angliae cancellanu
De Optimo reipublicae ftatu, deqi
nova infula Utopia, iibri II. G/af-
guae 1750. in 8.
Epigrammata. Londini 1638. i« 1
[Et Gul. Lilius] Progymnafmata.
Ibid. pag. 165.
■Epiftolae. Exjl.
cum Erafmi e-
piftolis, edit, Lond. 1642.
Moryfon [Fynes.) Itinerary, written
firll in the Latin tongue, and then
tranflated by himfelf into Englifh,
containing 12 years travels through
Germany, Bohmerland, Sweitzerland,
Netherlands Dennfark, Poland, Ifaly,

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