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348 Bibliothec^ Facultatis Jtiridk^ Catalogiis.
ILxJi. in Archacologia, 'vol. i.pag. 341.
Melhus {Petrus.) Vide Czvittingeri
fpecimen Hiingariae literaturae, pag.
Mehnoth [WiU'iam.) [under the name of
Sir Thomas Fitzofborne.] Letters on
feveral i\ih]cQ(.?>. London 1750. in S.Vi-
<^d'PhniusCaecilius Secundus. [Caius.)
Melot (Anicet.) GlofTaire a Thiftoire de
St Louis pai' Jehan, fire de Joinville.
Exji. avec Joinville hiftoire de St
Louis, edit. lySi a la Jin.
c^Melvil {Thomas,) A. M. Vicar of Chre-
fhall in EiTex. Scripture-dodrine of
divine grace, or a few notes on Mr
Nicholl's book, entitled. The method
of divine grace in the falvation of
fallen man. London 1730. in 8.
Melvile {Thomas^) A. M. Obfervations
on light and colours. Exjl, in eflays
phyfical and literary, read before a
fociety in Edinburgh, vjol. 1. pag, 12.
Melvinus [Andreas.) Parafynagma Per-
thenfe, et juramentum ecclefiae Scoti-
canae.' ■— 1620. in 4.
Pro fupplici Evangelicorum mlni-
flrorum in Anglia, apologia five Anti-
tami-carai-categoria. Ibid. pag./[i.
-Gathelus, five de gentis origine,
^ £^.
fragmentum. Exft. cum Johnftoni
infcriptionibus hiftoricis, in princip.
Melvinus [Jacobus.) Ad Jacobum L
Britanniarum monarcham, eccleiiae
Scoticanae libellus fispplex, a7Tox<,ynrtKCi
>-y.i lxo(pvprixoi\ Londiui 1645. in 4.
Memnon. Ex hjftoriafua excerpta, Grae-
ce. £x/?.cuniCtefiae excerptis,/>i7g-. 76.
Memoircs des Comiffaires de fa Majefte
tres Chretienne, et de ceux de fa Ma¬
jefte Britannique, fur les poffeiTions et
les droits refpedifs des deux couron-
nes en Araerique, avec les a(fles pu¬
blics et pieces juftificatives, 3 torn.
Atnjlerdam 1755. in 8.
^The fame, French and Englifh,
London IJSS- ^"^ 4* [T^^-'i^ edition is
much fuller than that piiblifued at
Parist as it contains all the memorials
in the fa^ne form in nvbich they ivere
delivered by the refpe^ivc Cammijfa-
Memoirs of a Cavalier; or, a mi¬
litary journal of the cvars in Germa¬
ny, and the wars in England, from
the year 1632 to the year 1648.
Leeds. in 8.
—Memoirs of a man of pleafure, or
adventures of Verforand, 2 vol.
I^ondon 175 r. in 8. •. f/' ^ /
—Memoires de la Reyne Marguerite.
Paris 1628. in 8.
-Memoires de Conde. Fojez Louis
de Bourbon L
Menage [Gilles.) Difcourfe fur la troi-
fieme comedie de Terence, intitulee
Heautontimorumenos, a Meflrs Fran¬
cois Hedelin. ExJi. avcc la pra¬
tique du theatre, par Francois Hede¬
lin Abbe d' Aubignac, torn. 1. pag. \,
Menander Comicus. P.eliquiae, Gr. Lat./^ f\
cum notis H. Grotii et J. Clerici. Am^ yd
ftelodami 1709. in 8. Vide Bentley "^
[Richardus.) Clericus [Joannes.) Gro-
tius [Hugo.)
Menard [Claude.) Obfervations fur
I'hiftoire du Roy S. L5uys. Exjl. a-
vec I'hiftoire de S. Louys IX. par du
Frefne, part. 2. pag. 363.
Menckenius [Joannes Burchardus^) J.
U. D. Scriptores rerum Germani-
carum, praecipue Saxonicarum, in
quibus fcripta et monumenta illuftria,
tum ad hiftorlam Germaniae genera-
Mifniae,Thuringiae, etVarifciaefpec-
tantia, vel nunc primum in lucem
protrahuntur, vel cum codd. MSS. col-
lata notulis illuftrantur, 3 torn. Lip-
Jiac 1728. infol.
Oratio de unione Angliae et Sco-
tiae. Lipfiae 1707. injol.
Menco IIL Coenobii Werumani, apud
Omlandos Antiftes. Chronicon ab
anno 1237, ^^^l^c ad annum 1276,
cum anonymi continuatione ad an¬
num 1297. Exf. inter Matthaei a-
naledta acvi veteris, torn. 2. pag. 11 r.
Mendana [Adelentado Alvaro,) De Ney-
ra. Voyage to the South Sea. Exf,
with Dalrymple's hiftorical colle;!l:ion
of Voyages, to/U. i.p^g- 57.
Mcndoza [Alvar de.) Voyage to Poly-

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