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Bihliotheca Facultatis Jiiridic^ Catalogus, 323
Lye [Edvardtis.) Dldionarlum Saxoni-
.yCO et Gothico-Latinum. Accedunt
■^" ^y- fragmenta verfionis Ulphllanae, nec-
non opufcula quaedam Anglo-Saxo-
nica. Edidit, nonnullis vocabulis
auxit, plurimis exemplis illuftravit,
et grammaticam utriufque linguae
praemifit, Owen Manning, 2 vol.
Londini i'J']'2.. infol. -^
Grammatica Gothica. Exji. cum
facrorum Evangeliorum verfione Go-
tbica, cura Benzelii. pag. [XXXIX.]
Lyfcbander [Claudius Chriftopb.) Ori-
gines et antiquitates Cimbricae, in
quibus agitui- de Japbeto ejufque li-
beris et pofteris. Exfl. inter Weftr-
pbalii monumenta inedita rernm
Germanicarum, torn, i.fol. 692.
Origines et antiquitates Megapo-
lenfes. Ibid.fol. 1751.
De fcriptoribus Danicis libellus,
ordine alphabetico congeftus. Exjt.
inter Weftphalii monumenta inedita
rerum Germanicarum, torn. 3. fol.
Lyferus [Michael.) Cultor anatomicus.
h. e. metbodus brevis, facilis, ac per-
fpicua artiliciofe et compendiofe hu-
mana inc^dendi cadavera. Traje^i ad
Rhenum 1706. in 8.
Lyferus [Polycarpus.) DifTertatio pbi-
lologica ad Efaiae Cap. III. v. 16. 18.
et feqq. illuftrandum. Exft. in Ugo-
lini tbefauro antiqiiitatum facrarum,
torn, i^.pag. 438.
Lyfias Atbenienfis Orator. Orationes
et fragraenta Gr. Lat. ad fidem
codd. manufcriptorum recenfuit, no-
tis criticis, interpretatione nova, cae-
teroque apparatu neceflario, donavit
Joannes Taylor. Londini 1739. in 4.
Vide Marklandus [Jer^
Orationes Gr. Lat. ex interpreta¬
tione et cum notis Jo. Taylor, in
ufum ftudiofae juventutis. Cantabri-
giae I740. in 8.
-Oratio'nes XXX. Graece. Exft.
Roman infcription on a rock in
Shawk quarries explained. Ibid,
pag. 227,
Infcription on a Roman altar found
at Brougb on tbe fands in Cumber¬
land explained. Ibid. pag. 308.
Account of a remarkable monu¬
ment in Penritb cbiirch-yard, Cum¬
berland. Ibid. 'vol. 2. pag. 48.
Obfervations on ftone batchets. /-
bid. pag. ! 18.
Defcription of an ancient font at
Bridekirk, in Cumberland. Ibid. pag.
Lyttelton [George,) Lord Lyttelton, Ba¬
ron of Frankley. Works, formerly
printed feparately, and now firft col¬
lected togetber, with fome otber pie¬
ces, never before printed ; publillied
by George Edward Ayfcough, Efq;
London 1774. in 4.
Obfervations on the life of Cicero.
Ibid. pag. I.
—Obfervations on the Rokian hifto-
ry. Ibid. pag. 29.
Obfervations on the prefent ftate
of our affairs at home and abroad, in
a letter to a member of parliament,
from, a friend in the country. Ibid.
pag. 49.
—-Letters from a Perfian in England
to his friend in Ifpahan. Ibid. pag.
Obfervations on the converf]|ki and
apoftlefhip of St Paul ; in a leflSer to
Gilbert Weft, Efq; Ibid. pag.
—Dialogues of the dead. Ibid.^pag»
—Four fpeeches in parliament.
inter oratores veteres Stephani, pag. 91.
Lyttelton {Dr Charles) Biftiop of Car-
lyfle. Diflertation on the antiquity
of brick buildings in England. ExJi.
in Archaeologia, I'c/. i. png. 140.
P^g' 547-
Poems. Ibid. pag. 577.
Letters to his father. Sir Thomas
Lyttelton, from the year 1728, to
the year 1747. Ibid. pag. 659.
Account of a J9urney into Wales;
in two letters to Mr Bower. Ibid.
pag. 735-
to his friend
with correct
the author. London 1744
from a Perfian in England ^ h
nd at Ifpahan, fifth edition, 'y ^' ^^
^dions and alterations bv ^

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