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(309) Page 299 -
Bihliothec^ Facultatis yuridica Catalogus, 299
fpecimen Hungariae literaturae, pag.
Langius [Paulus.) Chronicon epifco-
patus Citizenfis, ab A. D. 967 ad an¬
num 151 5. Exji. inter rerum Ger-
manicarum fcriptores Piftorii, totn. 1.
P^g- 755-
■ Chronica Neumburgenfis ecclenac
omnium epifcoporum, qui a tempore
Ottonis M. Imp. ufque ad Caroli V.
tempora, continua luccefTione rexe-
runt, nomina et gefta continens. Exjl.
inter Menckenii fcriptores rerum Ger-
manicarum. torn, i.fol. i.
Langlaeus [Janus.) Semeftria, cum ob-
Z . /. fervationibus Bernardi Auturani. Pa-
rift'is 1611. in 4.
Langlande [Robert^) [under the name of
Pierce Plowman.] His vifion. London
1561. in 4.
His crede. Ibid.
Langley [Batty.) City and country
\a X— builder's and workman's treafury of
defigns ; or, The art of drawing and
working the ornamental parts of
Architecture. London 1756. in 4.
Langobardi. Hiftoriola rerum a Lon-
gobardis geftarum in Ciftyberina Ita¬
lia, ab anno 840, ad annum 876. ExJi.
in Peregrinii hiftoria principum Lan-
gobardorum, t07n. i.pag. 187.
Langobardicae Origines. Vide Chriflius
(Joan. Fridericus.)
Languedoc. liiftoire generale de. Vide
V&'iilete[Franc. Jojeph.) Yic[Francois
Claude dd)
Languetus [Hubcrtus^) [fub nomine
1^^ Stephani Junii Bruti.J Vindiciae con-
-'/' ■ tra tyrannos; five, Deprincipis in po-
pulum, populique in principem, legi-
tima poteftate. Edinburgh ^S'Jf)- inS.
Langwith [Benja?nin,) D. D. Obferva-
tions on Dr Arbuthnot's differtations
and meafures.
on coins, weights,
London 1747. in 4.
Lanquet [Thomas.) Epitome of chroni¬
cles ; conteyninge the whole difcourfe
of hiflories, as well of the realme of
England, as al other country's, with
the fucceffion of their kinges, the
time of their reigne, from the begin¬
ning of the world to the incarnation
of Chrift, continued till the reign of
Edward VI. by Thomas Cooper, and,
from that period, brought down to
the reign of Q^Elizabeth, by Robert
Crowley. London i 549. in 4. iV. B.
Infol. 262. of this booky it is faid^
One named Johannes FauRius fyrft
founde the craft of prynting, in
the citee of Mens in Germanie, anno
Lapini [Giovambatijla.) Stanze. Static
no fra poetae Italiani majores, pag.
Lappiae defcrlptio. Exjl. in Schotti
Hifpania illuftrata, torn. 2. pag.
1314- .
Lapfanzkl [Joannes^) Hungarus. Vide
Czvittingeri fpecimen Hungariae li¬
teraturae, pag. 21 9.
Lardner [Nathaniel.) Additions and
alterations in the fecond edition of the
credibility of the gofpel-hiftory, Lon¬
don 1730. in 8.
Memoirs of his life and writings ;
containing a catalogue of his Works,
with feveral letters relating to themj
and other original papcfs : Alfo eight
fermons upon various fubjedts. Lon¬
don 1769. in 8.
Large [Alanus de.) De canonicorum
regularium ordlne difquifitiones, qui-^
bus hujufce ordinis origo, propagatio
varia ac multiplex, et natura, dilucide
articulatequetradtantur. Parifiis 1697.
in 4.
Lafcaris {J^beodorus Duca.) De com-
municatione naturali cum Latina
verfione Claudii Auberii. Bafdiae
per Epifcopium i^yi. in d.
Lafcus (Joannes a,) Nobilis Polonus.
Epiftolae quotquot ha£tenus indagari
potuerunt. Exjl. in Gerdcfii fcrinio
antiquarlo, torn. 2. part. i. pag. 477.
et part. 2.. pag. 619. et torn. '^. part.
I. pag. 61.
Eplflolae ad Henricum Bullinge-
rum. Ibid. tof?i. 4. part. i. pag. 446.
Epiftolarum biga 1526. 1545. Ibid.
torn. 6. part. 2. pag. 644.
Laficius, five Lafitfki, (Joannes^) Polonus.
De diis Saraagitarum, caeterorum-

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