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2^6 Bibliotheca Facultatis yuridic^ Catalogus.
letter to a lady, on the death of her
hufband, by the Editor. London 1748.
in 8.
*Laetus [Pomponius.) Auguftae hiftoriae
compendium, ab interitu Gordiani ju-
nioris ad Juftinum III. Exjl. inter
hift. Lat. fcriptores Graecos minores
Sylburgii, to7n. 2. pag. 520.
Lafitau [R. P. Jofeph Franfois,) de la
Compagnie de Jefus. Moeurs des
Sauvages Ameriquains, comparees
aux moeurs des premiers temps, 2
tom. A Paris 1724. in 4.
-——Hiftoire des decouvertes et con-
queftes des Portugais dans le nouveau
monde, 2 tom. A Paris 1733. z« 4.
Lagapenus. Vide Georgius.
Laghius [Thomas.) De rubentlbus ligno-
rum cineribus. Exji. cum Bononi-
enfi inftituto atque academia, tom. 2.
part. Z.pag. 397.
De animalium in aere interclufo-
rum interitu. Ihid. tom. 4. pag. 80.
De perficienda injedionum anato-
micarum methodo. Ihid. pag. 120.
——De infenfibilitate atque irritabili-
tate Halleriana. Ibid. pag. io2>.
-——Hifloria epidemicae conflitutlonis
quae ineunte anno 1753 Bononiae
contigit. Ibid. tom. 5. part. i. pag.
Lagny {Tho7nas Fantet,) Sieur de. Nou¬
veaux elemens d'arithmetiqueet d'al-
gebre ; ou, Introdudion aux mathe-
matiques. A Paris 1697. in 12.
y7? "Tf ^ Lagrenus [Joannes^) Labienfis. Rudl-
lyftB^>jr\4--/^' menta grammatices ; omnia quae in-
"' ftituendis puerls ufui elTe poffint
compledtentia. Parifns 1555. in 8.
Laguille [Louis.) Hiftoire de la province
d' Alface, depuis Jules Caefar, juf-
qu' au mariage de Louis XV.; avec un
rccueil des pieces qui peuvent fervir
aux faits importants, en 3 parties.
Strasbourg 1727. infol.
/yjrx^//. f.2S Lahontan [M. le Baron de.) Nouveaux
voyages dans I'Amerique Septentrio-
nale, avec la fuite, 2 tom. Haye 1702.
1704. in 12.
Lainiz {Erhardus de.) Expofitlo mora-
lis admodum egregia pfalml XIT.
Exjl. in Pezii thefauro anecdotorum
noviffimo, tom. z. part. i. col. 23. /
Lairefle [Gerard de.) Art of painting^^^
exemplified by remarks on the paint>^'*'*
ings of the bell mafters. London 1738,
in 4.
Lake [John,) Bilhop of Chlchefter. De¬
fence of the profeflion, which he made
upon his death-bed, concerning paf-
five obedience, and the new oaths.
London 1690 in 4.
"Lake [Sir Thomas^ Treatis of Sterling
money, anno 1590. Exji. inHearne's
colledion of eminent antiquaries, 'uol.
I. pag. I o.
Lakmacherus [Joannes Goth.) De Gad
et Meni. Ex/l. in Ugolini thefauro
antiquitatum facrarum, tom. 23. pag.
Laknerus [Chri/lophorus.) Vide Czvit-
tingeri fpecimen Hungariae literatu-
Ya.e pag. 222.
Lamhard [IVil/iam.) Archion; or, A com¬
mentary upon the High Courts of
Juftice in England. London 1635.
in 8.
——Order of the maundy made at
Greenwich March 19. 1592. Ex^.
in Archaeologia, 'uol. i. pag. 7.
Alphabetical defcription of the
chief places in England and Wales,
with an account of the moft memo¬
rable events which have diftinguifhed
them. London 1730. in 4.
Lambe [Robert,) Vicar of Norham upPJ
on Tweed. Hiftory of Chefs, togi^
ther with Ihort and plain inftrudions,
by which any one may eafily play at
it without the help of a teacher.
London 1764. in 8. Vide Floudon
Lambecius [Petrus.) Commentariorum
de bibliotheca Caefarea Vindobonenfi
liber primus. Vindobonae 166 c. in
joL 3r/.c^./(n
•Eorilndem liber fecundus. Vindo^
bonae 1669. infol.
——-Eorundem liber tertlus. Vindobo¬
nae 1670. in fol.
Origines Hamburgenfes, ab urbe

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