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288 Bibliothec^ Facultatis yuridici^ Catalogus,
(^V- i^.
M ^.d.//.
necnon unus Suenonis bifida barba
Daniae regis ; omnes tellure Suecica
olim abfconditi, niiperque cafu in a-
pricum prolati; nunc autem Helico-
niadum choro dedicati. Lipftae 1706.
in 4.
Nummorum in Hibernia, ante-
qiiam haec infula fub Henrico II.
Angliae rege Anglici fad:a fit juris,
cuforum indagatio. Lipftae 1708. in
——Catalogus nummorum Anglo-
Saxonicorum, et Anglo-Danicorum
mufei Kedeniani. Jhid. pag. 29.
Nummus aureus antiquus, atque
perrarus, Othinum, ceu probabile eft,
ejufque facrorum ac myfteriorum fig-
na et indicia exhibens. Lipjiae 1722.
in 4.
Catalogus nummorum Sueo-Go-
thicorum, ufualium ac memorali-
um, veterum recentiumque, in mu-
feo Graingeriano Holmiae aflervato-
rum. Accedunt et alii ab eodem de-
Icripti. Londini 1728. m 4.
KefFerloherus [Innocentius.) Vita S.
Poffidii Epifcopi. Exjl. in Majo
Bollandiano, torn, 4. pag. 29.
Kegler [Ignatius.) Obfervationes e-
clipfium variorurnque coeleftium con-
grefTuum habitae in Sinis. Lucae
1745. ^4.
Keith [George.) Standard of the Qua¬
kers examined; or, An anfwer to
Robert Barclay's apology. London
1702. in 8.
Keith [Robert.) Catalogue of the bi-
fhops of the feveral fees within the
kingdom of Scotland, down to the
1688; together with other things
neceffary to the better knowledge of
the ecclefiaftical ftate of this kingdom
in former times ; alfo an account of
the firft planting of Chriftianity in
Scotland, and the ftate of that church
in the earlier ages. Edinburgh 1755.
in 4.
Keith {Sir William,) Bart. Hiftory of
the Britifti plantations in America;
with a chronological account of the
moft remarkable things which hap¬
pened to the firft adventurers in their
feveral. difcoveries of that new world.
London 1738. in 4.
Effay on the nature of a publj-
fpirit. London 1749. in 12. \^
The citizen ; containing twenty-
five difcourfes on trade, with other
pradical and moral fubjeds, tending
to encourage and promote both pub¬
lic and private virtue. Ibid. pag. 1.
Differtation on the liberty of the
fubjed in Great Britain. Ibid. pap-.
^Effay on the education of a young
Britifli nobleman, after he leaves the
fchools. Ibid, pag 144.
Obfervations on the office of an
ambaffador. Ibid. pag. 164.
-Difcourfe on the ftate of the colo¬
nies in America with refped to the
intereft of Great Britain, prefented to
the King in November 1728, and by
him referred to the confideration
of the Lords Commiffioners for
trade, &c. Ibid. fag. 168.
—-—'Report to the Lords commiflloners
of trade and plantations in the year
1718. Ibid. pag. 185.
â– Difcourfe on the medium of com¬
merce, wherein the ufe and neceffity
of a certain proportion of paper cur¬
rency, to carry on and difpatch bufi-
nefs between Great Britain and fome
of her plantations in America, is par¬
ticularly explained. Ibid. pag. 200,
-Ufeful obfervations on the confe-
quences of the war with Spain 1740.
Ibid. pag. 215.
Kelham [Robert.) FzV/^ Britton.
Kelying [Sir John.) Report of divers
cafes in pleas of the crown, adjudged
and determined in the reign of the
late King Charles II. with diredions
for juftices of the peace and others.
London 1708. in fol.
Kemelius [Joa7ines.) Vide CzviiiingQvi
fpecimen Hungariae literaturae, pag.
Kemperlegienfe chronicon. Exfl. in
mifcellaneis Baluzii, torn. i. pag. 510.
Kempius [M. Martinus.) Charifmatum
facrorum trias; five, Bibliotheca An-
glorum theologica, cum appendice

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