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66 Bibliotheca Facultatis Juridic^ Catalogiis.
cefllt decimus fextus liber de folido-
rum regularium fibi invicem infcrip-
torum collationibus. Collati funt de¬
cimus feptimus et decimus odtavus,
de componendorum, infcribendorum,
et conferendorum compofitorum fbll-
dorum inventis, ordine et numero
abfoluti, authore D. Franclfco Fluf-
fate Candalla. Lutetiae 1578. in
-Elementorum llbri VI priores, i-
tern XI. et XII. ex verfione Latlna
F. CommandinI, fublatis ils quibus
olim llbri hi a Theone, alllfve, vitla-
ti funt, et quibufdam Euclldis de-
monftrationlbus reftltutis a Roberto
SImfon. Glafguae iJS^' ^^4*
^The fame in Engllfh. Clafgonv
1756. in 4.
-The firft VI. together with the
XI. and XII. books, corrected; to
which is added the book of Euclid's
data, by Robert Simfon. Glafgoiv
iy62. in 8.
Evelyn {John.) Publick employment
and an active life preferred to foli-
tude. London 1667. in 8.
•——Navigation and commerce their o-
riginal and progrefs. London 1674.
in 8.
A philofophical difcourfe of earth,
' relating to the culture and improve¬
ment of it for vegetation, and the
propagation of plants. Lofidon 1676.
in 8.
Difcourfe of medals, antient and
modern, together with fome account
of heads and effigies of illuftrious
perfons, in fculps and taille-douce.
London 1697. in fol.
Everhelmus Altimontenfis Abbas. Vi¬
ta Sandi Popponis Stabulenfis abba-
tis. Exft. in Mabillonii Saeculo VI.
Benediaino, part. i. pag. 500.
——Et Exji. in Januario Bollandiano,
torn. 2. pag, 638.
Evervinus Steinteldenfis. Epiftola ad
S. Bernardum de hereticis fui tempo-
ris. Exjl. inter Mabillonii analeda
vetera, pag. 473.
Evervinus Trevirenfis Abbas. Vita S.
SImeonis Reclufi. Exfi. in Mabillo¬
nii Saeculo VI. Benedidino, part, i,
P^g- 325.
-Epiftola ad Popponem Treviren-
fem de vita S. Simeonis. Ibid, pag,
* 329.
* Eugene Prmce of Savoy. Memoirs
of the lives and conduct of thofe il¬
luftrious heroes Prince Eugene of Sa¬
voy and John Duke of Marlborough,
wherein is Included a full, particular,
and impartial account of their beha¬
viour In the late wars, as likeways
the military and gallant adlons of
the^ Duke of Argyle, the Earl of
Stair, the Lord Cobham, the Earl of
Cadogan, and many other Generals,
both Englifh and foreign, eminent
for their courage and condudt. Lon¬
don 1742. in fol.
Eugenius B. Toletanus. Verfus de Ba-
filica S. iEmiliani Monachi. ExJ}.
in Mabillonii annalibus Benedi<ainis,
torn. I. pag. 684.
Eugenius II. Epiftola [mutlla] Barnar-
do Viennenfi. Exjl. in Mabillonii
Saeculo IV. Benedidino, part. 2.
pag. 576.
Eugenius III. Epiftola ad Petrum Re-
jenfem et Bertrandum ForojuHenfem
Epifcopos. Exjl. in mifcellaneis Ba-
luzil, torn. 1. pag. 222.
Eugefippus de diftantils locorum Terra?
Sandae. ExJ}. in fymmidis Allatii,
hb. I. pag. 104.
Eugipplus. Epiftola in vltam S. Seve-
rlnl, ad Pafchafium DIaconem. Exjt,
in Januario Bollandiano, to7}i. i. pag.
Eugubinae tabulae cum notis Joo Bap-
tiftae Paflerli. Lucae 1767. in fol.
Eulerus [Leonhardiis.) Opufcula vari:/*
argumenti. Berolini ijj^b. in 4. l^.Z-
Solutio problematis mechanici de
corporum tubis mobillbus incluforum.
• Ibid. pag. I.
Novae tabulae aftronomlcae motu-
um foils ac lunae. Ibid. pag. 137.
Nova theoria lucis et colorum. /-
bid. pag. 169.
-—De perturbatione motus planeta-

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