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Bibliothecie Facultatis Juridiae Catalogus. 643
w o
ftarum compendium. Jmff. K^Ji. in 12.
W^ — The fame in Englifli. Lond. 1657. ifi 8.
c)c)'S-^/ The fame. Loud. 1638. in 8.
/C// Wood (-Thomas.) New inftitute of the i_m-
5^^*^^^^ perial or civil law; with notes fliewing
Jl=^=^ how the canon law, the laws of England,
^^\ /j and the laws and culloms of other nations
-^^^^^*^' /' differ from it: in iv. books. Lond. 1712.
• ^ '•"' • />8.
An inllitute of the laws of England j m
r. books: 1 vol. Lond. ijio. in 8.
)uU. j^~-The fame, with additions. Lond. ly 12.
in fol.
/2l^;-^^t^ Woodcock (John.) Meafuring compleated,
/" y n Jr^^ by a new fee of decimal tables. Lond.
* ' 1738. in%.
q.A-Woo^tn world difleO-ed, in [the charaaers
•7 *;IJ of a {hip of war and its feveral officers, &c.
^- • Lond. 1708. in 8.
,-y^ Woodford (Samuel) Paraphrafe upon the
•y^* Pfalms of David. Lond. i66y. in 4.
^^^^^/j— Paraphrafe upon the Canticles, and fome
^'^'f^ felea hymns of the new and old Tefta-
^'20'y.8-l8- ment, with other occafional compofitions
in Englilh verfe. Lond. 1679. in 8.
"Woodmm (Philip.) Mcdicusnovi//tmiis', or,
T. O"^ 0 - The modern Phyfician. Zo»rf. 1712. ^'^ 8.
* Woodrow (Robert.) Hiftory of the fuffer-
^^V- c/' ings of the Church of Scotland, from the
/-,- '•„' Reftauration to the Revolution: 2 vol.
Edinb. 1721. in fol.
-n. (O'Cj, Woodward (John.) The life and tragedy
r ^^ of Mary Queen of Scots. MS. in 4.
iK (D-/1^- "^ The life and death of Prince Henry.
MS. in 4.
rr^^nj^ Woodward (John.) The natural hiflory of
*"/- the Earth, illuftrated, enlarged, and de-
•^ /<J. ^. 3 fended: made Englilh from the Latin by
/ Benj. HoUoway. Lond. 1726. in 8.
/J/J 3^ /2 "^— Eoflils of all kinds digefted into a me-
^ j thod fuitable to their mutual relation and
affinity. Lond. 1728. in 8.
•P^' \ f^ —~ Attempt towards a natural hiftory of the
Tj ^ n foffils of England: 2, torn, i vol. Lond,
do* ^' /<^-—. Letter giving an account of fomeRoman
urns, and other antiquities lately digged
up near Billiop's-gate. Lond. 1713. in 8.
'"oodward (Joftah.) The divine original
^ ^OSl^r and incomparable excellency of the Chri-
}^p:S^J ftian religion, as founded in the holy Scri¬
ptures, afferted and vindicated, in viii. fer-
mons at Boyle's lecture. Lond. lyii.
^, in 8.
;^^^?Woolafton {7fif<iam,) Religion of nature de-
/, ^ lineated. Lond. 1724. in 4.
•tt^t;^^ Woolllon Ctbomas.) The old apology for
the truth of the Chriftian religion, againft
.the Jews and Gentiles, revived. Lond; iLjJO.
\^^oolridge (J.) Syjlema horti-culture: or,--r. 7./-/,:i;/^'.//. /
The art ot gardening; in iii. books. Lond. * / ^ "
1688. in 8.
— The Gardener's monthly directions. /- j^. 7; /' "^
hid. fag. 243. ' /
— Catalogue of houfed-greens, winter-
greens, feeds, plants, &c. Ihid. pag. 268. *'
Woolfey (1 homas) Cardinal. His negotia- f,' ,
tions, compofed by one of his own fer-Zf"- ^
vants, being his Gentleman-uflier. LondP^
'/■ //■
1641. m 4
— His life. Kidc Fiddes.
Worgan (John.) New fet of tables, in which vw-w..,^^:?^.
are given the true folid contents of any ^7^/'A A
piece of timber or flone. Lond. 1740. in 8. "
Works of the learned; or. An impartial ac--:^x-^=7-2t7r-
count of books lately printed in all parts '//' / /
of Europe, with a particular relation of Hj b '
the Hate of learning in each country, f^om
January 1699 to January lyoyi/fvolS
Lond. lyoi. ^c. in 4. J ' ^ ja
Wormius (Olaus.) Danica literatupd ^nn-L'7&/cJr. Z,^,'S/, ■
quiflima, vulgo Gothica dicta: Acceffit de'—'
prifca Danorum poeii difTertatio. Hafnia r.¥7 .f . O
16^6. in 4. ^ '^^ ' ^*
— Eadeni, cum appeudlce. Hafni^ 16^1* jM^-^h-j^^. ^/
in fol. '^
— De monumento Trygueldenfi epiflola ad ^Tj^
Tychonem Brahe. Hafnia 16^6. in 4. r^*"^^^/- ' 7f "^
— Tulllioi, feu monumentum Stroenle in ^^ -^Q Uh^.
Scania enucleatum. Hafnia 162%. in 4. '^'~' "'
— Danicorum monumentorum libri vi. cum
additamentis. Hafiiia 1643. iftfol.
— Specimen lexici R.unici,oblcuriorum qua-
rundam vocum, quje in prifcis occurrunc
hiftoriis & poetisDanicis enodationem ex-
hibens. Hafnia 1650. in fol.
— Falli Danici; univerfam tempora com- / / o /X>
putandi rationem, antiquitus in Dania & ,A/? ^ A*/u
vicinis gentibus obfervatam, librisiii. ex-
hibcntes. Hafm!£ 164'^. in fol.
— De aureo Chriftiani V. Daniae, 6cc. eledi
Principis cornu differtatio. Hafnia 1641.
in fol.
—^ Regum Daniae feries duplex, & limitum L / a ^'
inter Daniam & Sueciam defcriptio, Ru- /trl > A ' ^*-^'
nice & Latine, cum notis. Hafnia 1642.
in fol.
— Epiftola ad Envaldum Nicolai Randulf-
fum in ejus de aureo cornu commentari-
um. EaJi. cum Randulffi commentario,
pag. 95.
— Mufeum Wormianum : feu hiiloria re-
rum rariorum tarn naturalium, quam ar-
tificialium, &c. quae Hafnis Danorum
722 in

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