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Bibliotbeae Facultatis Juridicce Catalogus 64.1
cp.^i'^q an appendix and ij
/ / ^/ from K. Charles I.
bus geftis ab anno 1647 ^^ i^io* ^^•
in fol.
/" '— Firft part of the fame, with abrief con-
^' c?*v:^ tinuation and an account of his death, pu-
blifli'd under the title of, Montrofe redivi-
vus. Lond. 1652. in 8.
— Both parts tranflated into Englifli, with
5 letters to Montrofe
from his Queen, K.
Charles II. and Prince Rupert, publilhed
by Wm. Adams. Edinb. ijio. in 8.
Wilhart (WVliam.J ^heologia^ or Difcourfes
of God, delivered in cxx. fermons: 1 vol.
Edinb. 1716. in 8. cffvJ. ^' Ay".
^— Sermon before the fynod of Lothian and
• 3 Tweddale, on 1 Tim. vi. 20. Edinb. lyoy.
p^ (^'A'in4.
'^f Wiffenbachius (Joan. Jacobus.J In libros vi.
iJLn-lA- priores codicis Juftiniani, repetitae praele-
) i l-l^' ctionis commentationes cathedrariae : 1
torn. Franeker^ 1660 8^ 1663. in 4.
L'r „ .„ _ .„_^.._.
^-S*'5or--Exercitationes ad50librosPande6tarum
1 part. "
1 witch-
— Dialogue concerning w' '
craftes. Ibid.
— True narrative of the fufterings and r^- y* -r p|»
lief of a young girle, Itrangely molefted ' .^ ^
by evil fpirits and their inftruments, in the J71, ^. t^, J/.
Weft. With a preface and poftfcripr, con¬
taining refledions on what is moft mate¬
rial or curious in the trial of the feven
witches who were condemned to be exe¬
cute in that countrey. Edinb. i6(^^. in S,
Witellius. Vide Vitellius.
Withers (George.) View of the marginal
notes of the Popifh Teftament tranflated
into Englifli by the Englifli fugitive Pa-
pifts refiant at Rhemes in France. Lond.
1588. in 4.
Withers (George.) Pfalms of David tranfla¬
ted into lyrick verfe, illuftrated with a
fliort argument and a brief prayer before
and after every Pfalm. Netherlands 1632.
tf ^ M t^aiu. Eranckerne Frijionm 1661. in ^
. ^36.— Exercitationes ad duos poftremos Dige-
ftorum titulos de verb. fign. & de reg.jur.
tertium editae au6Hores & emendatiores,
Graeca verfione ex Bafilicis inferta. Ibid.
I •—— Difputationes ad inftituta Imperialia, hac
d. -7- C^- tertia editione prope triente audiores. Era-
nekera 1666. in/^.
— Contradittiones juris canon. Ibid. p. 318.
Emblemata Triboniani. Ibid, f^^-334.
— Diatriba de mutuo, qua adftruitur efle
alienationem j ejufque vindiciae. Ibid. pag.
4»7- ...
— Compendium juris feudalis. Ibid.pag.^i^.
ij A /( — Difputationes juris civilis. Heilbronna
fr /-—Contradidiones juris canonici. Ibid, in fin.
^ Wiflbvatius (Andreas.) Narratio compen-
diofa quomodo in Polonia a Trinitariis re-
formatis feparati fint Chriftiani Unitarii:
cum appendice hiftoriam de" fpiritu Belga
exhibente. Exft. cum Sandii bibliotheca
Antitrinitariorum, pag. loj.
— * Anonymi epiftola, exhibens vitae &
mortis Andrese Wiflbvatii, nee non eccle-
fiarum Unitariorum ejus tempore brevem
hiftoriam. Ibid. pag. 219.
Witches. The moft ftrange and admirable
y ^,5^1*3 difcoverie of the three witches of War-
J^ " " * boys, arraigned, condemned and executed
at the laft affizes of Huntington, for the
bewitching the five daughters of Robert
Throckmorton and divers other perfons,
with fundry divelifti and grievous tor¬
ments ; and alfo for bewitching to death
the Lady Cjumwell. Lond. 1595. in 4,
m 12.
I. 4-'/o.
— Britain s remembrancer; containing, a '^^A—tft"^^
narration of the plague lately paft, a de- 7 ' U
claration of the mifchicfs prefent, and a
predidion of judgements to come, if re¬
pentance prevent not. Lond.\()
Withers (John.) Hiftory of Refiftance as^^//. J. J.
pradifed by the Church of England. Lond,
1710. in 8.
— The Whiggs vindicated; the opinions
that are commonly brought againft them
anfwered; and the prefent miniftry proved
to be the beft friends to the Church, the
Monarchy, the lafting peace and welfare
of England. Edinb. 1715. in 8.
Witichindus Monachus-Corbejerifis. Anna-
lium gentis Saxonicse libri iii. cum notis ^
H. Meibomii. Franco/. 1611. in fol.
— Et £x/?. inter fcriptores rerum German.
Meiboniii, torn. i. pag. 630.'
— Les memes trad, en Francois par N. Cou-
fin. E>iji. en Thiftoire de Tempire d'occi-
dent dudit Coufin, torn. 1. pag. 378.
Witfius (Hermannus.) ^gyptiaca, & a«. p Q_ cjji.
KaouAci/. five de jEgyptiorum facrorum cum
Hebraicis coUatione libri iii. & de decem
tribubus Ifraelis liber fingularis. Amjl.
1683. in 4. /^ '
— Diatribe de legione fulminatrice Chri~ /^- U'U$*
ftianorum fub Imperatore M. Aurelio An- ^
tonino. Ibid. pag. 423.
Witt (Joannes de.) Elementa curvarum li-
nearum, libris 2. Exji. cum Cartefii geo-
metria, part. 1. pag. i^.
— The true intereft and political maxims of
the republick of Holland and Weft-Frief-
land: in 3 parts. Lond. 1702. in 8.
7 ;z —-*Hi-

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