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6}^6 Bibliothecce Facultatis Juridica Catalogus.
/d. o^
llian Church. Lond. 1723. in 8.
•— New theory of the Earth, from its ori¬
ginal to the confummation of all things:
wherein the Creation, the Deluge and the
general Conflagration, as laid down in the
holy Scriptures, are lliewn to be perfetlly
agreeable to realon and philofophy. Lond.
— Scheme of the Solar fyllem. £x/?. with
Sanfon's Atlas, vol. i.
— [And Humphry Ditton."] New method
for difcovering the Longitude both at fea
and land. Lond. 1714. in 8.
Whitaker (WiUiam.J Anfwer to the ten rea-
fons of Edmund Campian Jefuite, in con¬
fidence whereof he offered difputation to
theMinillers of the Church of England, in
the controverfy of faith : tranflated fip^i
the Latin by Rich. Stocke. Lond. iyo6.
4-JI ^ A— Refponfionis ad decem illas rationes
Campiani defenlio contra confutationem
Jo. Dur^ei Scoti. Lond. 1583. in 8.
- Anfwere to a certeine booke written by
M. William Rainolds, entituled, A refu¬
tation of fundrie reprehenfions, cavils, &c.
Lond. 1585. in 8.
•— In controverfiam de Romano Pontifice,
dillributam in quseftiones viii. adverfus
Pontificios, imprimis Ro. Bellarminum,
praeleftiones. Hanoiiia 1608. in 8.
■— Pr3ele<5tiones de facramentis in genere,
^'-^'\^(J^ & in fpecie de SS.baptifmo&eucharillia.
' ift 4'
OC <f?/3' Q~X^ ^'^^ ^Whitaker (-Thomas.) Sermons on feveral oc-
" / calions. Lond. lyii. in S.
<jf^J^^,^i Whitby (Daniel.) Paraphrafe and commen-
4-'- ^- y—1 I a I ^^^^ ^" ^^ "^^ Tellament; with a chro-
^^j^Tjf~^, nological index and alphabetical table of
the places: a vol. Lond. ijo^ S 1710.
Lond.06 ^=£^
— Sermons on
1720. in 8.
— Appendix proving that there can be no
aflurance of a regular and uninterrupted ^ ,^^
1. lucceffion of Bilhops from the days of the^^ -^' ^-
Apcftles to our times. Ibid. pag. 303.
— Demonftration that the Church of Rome//^^v
and her councils have erred. Exjl. Pro- '^"'
teltants againft Papifls, vol. 3. mm. 4.
Lond. 1688. in 4.
— Treatife in confutation of the Latin fer-///.?/;^/-,;
vice pradHfed, and by the order of the ''/ '
council of Trent continued in the Church
of Rome. Ibid, vol. 13. nmn. 2. Lond.
1687. in 4.
— The fallibility of the Roman Church dc'/f/.S/-^
monllrated from the manifelt error of the
fecond Nicene and Trent councils. Ibid.
vol. 16. num. 6. Lond. 1687. m 4. //
— Treatife of traditions; in 2 parts. IbidAnS^
vol. 17. num. 3. Lond. 1688. in 4.
— Defence of the Bilhop of Bangor's fer-
mon, and of what is faid in his Preferva-
tive concerning real lincerity. Exji. Ban-
gorian controverfy, vol. i. Lond. 1718.
in 8.
— Anfwer to Dr. Snape's fecond letter to
the Bilhop of Bangor. Ibid. Lond, ijiy,
in 8.
White (John.,) Minifter at Eccles. The way, _
to the true Church. Lond. 1616. /// 4, /^. ^.. A5^
—- * A treatife of the Church, in which is#/^^
is proved M. John White his way to the^"^''i/
true Church, to be indeed no way at all // J7/J
to any Church, true or falfe: by W. G.
■ 1616. in 4.
J.(0 '1
Treatife of the true Millennium : fhew-
ing that it is not a reign of perlbns raifed
li cm the dead, but of the Church flourilh-
ing I ceo years after the converlion of the
^^ Jews, &c. Ibid. vol. 2. pag. yii.
3. zaIo .— Examen variantium lectionum Jo. Millii
in novum Teilamentum. Ibid.
— Diicourle concerning the imputation of
ChrilVs perfetl righteoulnefs to us. Ibid,
yippend. pag. 68.
— Difcourfe by w ay of enquiry, whether
the Apoftles in their writings, fpake as
conceiving the day of judgement might
be in their days. Ibid. pag. 112.
- Dillertatio de fcripturarum interpretatio-
ne fecunduni Patrum commentarios. Lend.
1714. //; 8.
Whitcfield (George^) Journal of a voyage I
from London to the Savannah in Georgia:
in 3 parts. > 1739' ^^ S*
Whitelocke (Sir Buljlrode.) Memorials of
the Englilh aflairs, from the fuppofed ty.^Q/2/^
pedition of Brute to this illand to the end
of the reign of K. James I. with Ibme ac¬
count of the author's life by Will. Pen.
Lond. 1707. in^'ol.
— Memorials of the Englilli affairs, or an ^ I- Oo
hillorical account of what palled from the
beginning of the reign of K. Charles I. to
K. Charles II. his happy relloration. Lond. I
1682. infol. I
— Efiays eccleliallical and civil. Lond.y:~2:,A3
vjc^.in%,y:^ -"^.
W bitfield ( ) Defence of the ordina- A/,^,/c\
tions and minillry of the Church of Eng-' J
land. £x/?. Proteltants againft Papills,
vol. 19. num./\. Lond. 1688. in 4.
Whitgift (John) Abp. of Canterbury. Vide
Paul. Strype. —An-

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