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Bibliothecce Facultatis Juridica Catalogus, 63
quotations, mifconllrudlions, mifreprefen-
tations, &c. refpeding. his Difquifttiones
inodeftie. Cambridge 1720. in 8.
^ ?7)' t /^— Second vindication of Chrill's divinity;
\A-£f--f7^ or, A fecond defenfe ®f fome queries rela-
fir-'SyU^ • ting to Dr. Clarke's fcheme of the H. Tri-
^^./i./^• nity: in anfwer to the country Clergy¬
man's reply. Lond. lyi^. in 8.
yjggi'^^ ■— A farther vindication of Chrift's divini-
/ ; -^ . x.y\\x\ anfwer to a pamphlet, entituled,
M-4-- i- oblervations on Dr. Waterland's fecond
defenle. Lond. 1724. in%>
—' Scripture vindicated j in anfwer to a
book entituled, Chrillianity as old as the
creation: 4 parts. Lmd. 1734. in 8.
Watlbn (Richard.) 'ak6^k^©-- or, A fecond
fair warning to take heed of the Scottifh
/. e.XV-discipline; in vindication of the firlt
(which was written by Bp. Bramhal) a-
gainft Robert Baillie. Hagh 1651. /;^ 4.
C-, j^////^.''2rf— Hiilorical collections of eccleliaftick af-
\ 'ii ' f^i^s in Scotland, and politick related to
•7 I/) /l h ^^^"1 '•) including the murder of the Car-
'• dinal of St. Andrews, and the beheading
of their Queen Mary in England. Lond.
16S7' in 8.
>^;^^.Watfon (William.) Decacordon often quod-
M libetical queltions concerning religion and
/ ^llate; wherein the author folves a hundred
■ * ' crofs interrogatory doubts about the ge¬
neral contentions betwixt the feminary
Priefls and Jefuits. 1602. in 4.
Watfonus (Thomas) Lincolnienlis E. Re-
Iponfiones fuper articulis quibufdam de
bulla Papali contra Elizabetham Reginam.
£x/?. in Monarchia Goldafti, torn. 3. fag.
Watt (T'homas.) Vocabulary Latin and Eng-
liih, in 2 parts. Edink 1734. in 12.
C^-4 n Watts (J.) Guide to prayer; or, A free
*^ and rational account of the gift, grace
JC 3-4^3^ and fpirit of prayer: with plain diredions
how every Chriftian may attain them.
Lond. 1715. in 8.
Watts (Thomas.) Eflay on the proper me¬
thod for forming the man of bufinefs.
Lond. 1716. in 8.
WiLtts(Wilhelmus.) VideTaris (Matth^us.)
A /7/Waverleia, coenobium. Annales Waverlei-
Ij^/J'll ^j^£,g rerum Anglicarum ab anno 1066 ad
1291. £xy?. inter rerum Anglicarum fcri-
, ptores XX. Galei, torn. 1. pag. 129.
Weaver (John.) Eflay towards a hiftory of
?• dancing. Lond. 1712. in 8.
/ Webb (John.) Vindication of Stone-Heng
' reftor'd: in which the orders and rules of
Architecture obferved by the Romans are
difcufs'd; alfo the cuftoms of feveral na-
tions in matters of building, and an hiHo*'
rical narration of the molt remarkable a-
6tions of the Danes in England. Lond.
1725. infol.
Weber (^ Jo. ^^^;«r/j.^ Nucleus juris epifco- j- j qa
palis, ex decifionibus theologis pradicae ^' ' ' ^
& aphorifmisjuris canonici extradus. Sa"
lishurgi 1681. in 8.
Weberus (Immanuel.) Parerga philologica ch^ a On
ad Tim. iii. 15. & hypobolimaea iftius e- ^^'^'^^
piitol^e fubfcriptio. Exji. in Menthenii ^
thefauro diflertationum ad nov. Teft. fag.
— Diflertatio ad Hebr. xiii. \6. Ibid. tar.
Webfter (James.) Seled fermons. Edinh.
1723. in 8.
Webfter (John.) Metallographiay or aH hi--^
ftory of metals. Lond. 1671. in ^
%■ /&
— The difplaying of fuppofed witchcraft, jp
Lond. 1677. infol.
Wedderburn (Sir Peter J ofGosford. Deci- //. 0, SU.
lions of the Lords of Council and Seffion,
from June 166 8 to the end of July 1677.
MS. infol.
Wedderburnus (Alexander.) Radii Augufti- f^P* s5^>-^r^
niani: live praecipuac S. P. Auguftini in S. oy^
Scripturae locos annotationes. SyhaDiicis ''^^'^'^- ■^' '^^
1652. in 8. <^
Wedderburnus (David.) Poemata. Exp. in
deliciis poetarum Scotorum, torn. 1. /^
— Perfius enucieatus. Vide Perfius. /•- (p» 5^0
Weemfe(Jo/?;^)ofLathocker. Works,4vol./77 ^ /Xj .^^
Lond. 1632. 1633. ^ 1636. in 4. l£J €^ *^^^y^,/^l,^
4 2-9
Weever {John.) _ Ancient funeral monuments t>
within the united monarchic ofGreat Bri- ^
tain, Ireland, and the illands adjacent.
Lend. 1631, infol.
Weghorft (Henricus.) Chriftiani V. jus Da-
nicum, Latine redditum. Hafnia 1698.
in 4.
— Idem, Danice. Copenhagen 16^^, in S. '^^9.^,^.5^0 ^^^
Wegnern (Daniel.) De bancciruptoribus dif- /. d 3 7- *"
fertatio. Franequer<e 1650. in 12.
Wegnerus (Henningus.) Commentarius in r y .00
titulum Pand. de verborum & rerum li- ^ ""
gnificatione. Gotha 1655. in 8.
— Idem. Gotha 1656. in 8. ex eadem ta- c. -J-S^
men cji edttione.
Weidlingt (Chriji.) Diflertatio de i^T^'/^^jo^, , ^ ,
ad JonsB iv. 6. Exji. in Menthenii the- /'*"
fauro dillert. ad vet. Teft. pag. 989.
Weidmannus (Conradus.) Conlilium. Exff,
in conliliis matrimonialibus Ruckeri, torn.
1. pag. 24.
Weidnerus (Joannes.) Pietas ex nummis an- 7 . ^1 S
tiquioribus delineata. Jen^e 16^4.. iu a ' *^
7 U 2 Weihcn-

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