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592 Bibliotheca Facultatis Juridica Catalogus.
(^ 3 /6
re primigenioruni. Ltigdmi 1617. /»yb/.
- Commentarius in 1. Ji tinquam^ C. de re-
vocandis donationibus. Lugduni 1653.
in fol.
- De utroque retra6tu, municipali & con-
ventionali, commentarii duo. Lugdmi
1618. in fol.
J ^^-f —- Ex commenrariis in Pi6lonum confuetu-
dines, iedio de legibus connubialibus &
jure maritali. Lugduni 1616. in fol.
- Trafiiacus varii: i. Ceflante causa ceflat
efFedus. a. Le mort failit le vif. 3. De ju¬
re conftituti pofleflbrii. 4. L. hves^ ^ hoc
fermoncy ff. de V. S. 5. De poenis legum
temperandis. 6. De privilegiis pise caufae.
7. De praefcriptionibus. 8. De judicio in
rebus exiguis ferendo. 9. In tit. Res inter
alios, &c. Lngduni 161 ^. in fol.
^,8.2^ •""" Commentarii ad 1. hoves^ ^ hoc fermone.,
K de verb, fignif. Parif. 1554. in 8.
^;/^,^y—— Fallentiae regularumjuris. Vide Regulae
— Annotatlones in Alexandrum ab Alexan¬
dre. Vide Alexandre.
Tiro (Profper.J Vide Profper.
Titburga filiaRaymundi Attonis. Renuncia-
tio padionum matrimonialium. Ex/}, in
^ fpicilegio Dacherii, torn. 8. pag. 214.
7? .^# «3«7« Tithes. The right of tithes aflerted and pro¬
ved, from divine inftitution, primitive pra-
<5tice, voluntary donations and pofitive
laws: with a juft vindication of that facred
maintenance from the cavils of Tho. El-
wood. Lond. 1677. ^^ 8.
/?. {x b. — The right of tithes realierted. Lond. 1680.
in 8. ■ ■- -
j; g ^g Tm/Filippo.) Ammaeitramento utile e cu-
f .S'^9' j.JqJq ^- pittura, fcoltura & architettura
nelle chiefe di Roma. Roma 1686. in 17.
TitinniusPoeta. Fragmenta. Exjf. in corpo¬
ra poet. Lat. Mich. Maittaire, pag. {^1541.3
Titius (Gottlieb Gerhardas.) Specimen juris
publici Romano-Germanici, a confueta or-
dinis materiarumque confufione variifque
fcriptorum praejudiciis adsequata brevitate
reftituti. Liftfta J705. in 8. - --^^j_
— Vindiciae pro Phil. Reinhardo Vitriano,
contra Gottl. Gerh. Titium in fpecimine j
LS (/?7. juris publici reftituti, fcriptae a J. J.V..L.S.
/ ac annotationibus caftigatae ab ipfo Titio. 1
Lipjia 1705. in 8.
{7p« « PP' f'fUi "— I^ifputationes juridicae varii argument!,
jOjjj- ^ • / /" '^' fub ejusprsefidio in academiaLiplienliha-
bitse. Lipji^ ^7^9' '^ 4*
/^ *?>«x5«^« Titius CJo. Petrus.) Recenfio voluminum
' " hiftoricorum Jac. Aug. Thuani. Gedani
1685. in 12.
Titius (Robertits.) Praeleftiones in Catullum, I
.Ex/?, cum Catullo Graevii, pag. ^^^.
Titus Eoftrenlis E. Contra Manichaeos Ubri-
iii. una cum argumento libri quarti, Gr.
Lat. interprete Fran. Turriano. £x/?. in
antiquisledionibusCanifii, torn, i.pag.^6.
— Et Latine, eodem interprete. £x/?. in
bibl. PP. Lugd. torn. 4. pag. 443.
— Commentarius in Lucam, Latine. Ibid,
pag. 415.
— Argumenta librorum adverfus Mani-
chsos, Gr. Lat. Exjl. in Fabricii biblio-
thecaGrasca, torn. 5. pag. 293.
Titus Boftrenfis junior. Oratio in ramos pal-
marum, Latine. Exjf. in biblioth. PP.
Lugd. torn. 4. pag. 474.
Titus (Colonel) [under the name of William
Allen.] Killing no murder, briefly difcuf-
fed in three queftions, and dedicated to^
his Highnefa Oliver Cromwell. Lond. —.
/#-8, 4h'
— The fame. Exji. in the appendix to thel/^ ^-^
Earl of Clarendon's hiftory, pag. 144.
Togel (Imman.) De IfiroS^oc'i^ & of&oiou.ia.'jriT.'^.'JiO
in ecclefiae miniftro requifita, diflertatio ad ^ -
Tit. i. 9. Ex ft. in Menthenii thefauro dif-
fert. ad nov. Teft. phg. 723.
Toland (John.) Life of John Milton. Exji,
prefix'd to Milton's works.
— Amyntor; or, A defeacfcofMilton's life. /CZ^ z-^'
Lond. 1699. in 8. W^ 11 / •^- ' ^^^
— Anglia libera; or, TfieTTniitation and fuc-
ceffion of the crown of England explainer
and aflerted. Lond. 1701. in 8.
— Life of James Harrington. Ex^. with
Harrington's Oceana.
— Account of the courts of Pruflia and Ha¬
nover. Lond. 1705. /;; 8.
— Chriftianity not myfterious; or, A trea- J'ff^^
tife Ihewing that there is nothing in the
Gofpel contrary to realbn, nor above iti LL f,ji
and that no Chriftian dodrine can proper-'
ly be called a myftery. Lotid. 1702. in 8.
— Apology for Mr. John Toland, in rela-
lation to the Parliament of Ireland's or¬
dering this book to be burnt. Ibid, ad
— Diflertationes duas: Adei fi daemon, fiv
Livius a fuperftitione vindicatus; & Ori-^ ■? ^//>J
gines Judaicae. Hagi€'Comitis 1709. in 8. -.
— Nazarenus'^ or, Jew"^\ Gentile and Ma-////v,^ J
hometan Chriftianity. Lond. 1718. in 8,
— Pantheifticon : five formula celebrandse ff^A '/»J
fodalitatis Socraticae, in tres partes divifa. Uil* > \
Cofmopoli lyio. in ^. " \' I \
— Tetradymus: containing! I. Hodegus'j ot/fi-m.
the pillar of cloud and fire thar guided the.
Ifraelites in the wildernefs not miraculous.'
a. ClirJ

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