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(K-ii.—: •- ■ ■ —^— ——.
566 Btbliothecce Facultatis Juridkce Catalogus.
Stephanus Patracenfis A. Oratio in cOncilio
Lateranenli v. Exft. in conciliis Labbei^
torn. 14. col. 261.
/\J7 Stephanus (Patdiis.) Epigrammata, ex An-
f/^ //^ thologia Graecorum, Latino carmine red
'^^' z' ' dita. Geneva i,593» in 8.
-•— Juvenilia^ Ibid', pag. 91.
Stephanus de Praga. Oratio in concilio Con-
ftantienfi, de maturanda ecclefiae emenda-
tione. £x/9. in concilio Conftant. Hernia
von der Hardc, torn. i. pag. 823.
Stephanus (Roberttis.) Di6^ionarium feu La-
rinae linguae thefaurus; editio fecunda :
2 torn. Parif. aptid ipfum Steph. 1543. injol.
■^— Idem tbefaurus; feu promptuarium di-
<ftioniyT» 6^1oquendi formularum Latini
'l^rTi/ 2 ^ f^rmonis, &c. cura Phil. Tinghyi recogni-
''*■' turn : 4 torn. Ltigduni 1573. infol.
(y '^ /- '— Ejufdem editio noVa. prioribus multo
ly/)^^]// /, audtior&emendatior: 4tom. Zo»^. 1734.
in fol.
Di6lionarlum propriorum nominum. Pa¬
rif. apud ipfum Steph. 1541. in 4.
-— Ad cenl'uras theologorum Parifienfium,
quibus Biblia a Rob. Stephano excufa ca-
lumniose notarunt, relponlio. j^ptid ipfum
Stephanus TornacenfisE. Epiftolae, £x/?. in
biblioth. PP. Lugd. torn. 25. pag. i.
Stephanus Viennenlis A. Epiftola ad Alberi-
cum Oftienfem E. £x/?. inter veteres fcri-
ptores Edmundi Martene, torn. i. part. 2.
pag. 70,
Stero (Hemicus.) Annales, [qui etiam difti
Auguftenfe chronicon.^ Exji. in antiquis
ledtion. Canifii, torn. 4. pag. 169.
— lidem, cum appendice Wellingorum fra-
trum. £x/?. inter rerum German, fcripto-
resFreheri, torn. i. pag. ^^i.
Stefichorus Heliodi F. Carminum fragmenta.
Ex/f. inter poetas lyricos Grascos Ledtii,
pag. 99.
Stevanus (Jofephus.) Tra6latus de adoratio-
ne pedum fummi Pontificis. Exji. Tr. Tr.
torn. 13. part. 1. fol. 50.
Stevartius (Petrus.) BenediftioDeij leu com-
mentariolus quomodo Deus praecipue per
pfalmos benedicendus atque laudandus lit.
Audore monacho quodam Ratisbonenfi.
ExJi. in bibl. PP. Lugd. torn. Tj. pag. SJS'
«— Anonymi traftatus contra Grsecorum er-
rores. Ibid, pag.589. Vtde Calecas {^Manuel?)
/T^y u ' ^ ^ Steuberus {Joannes.) Diliertario dc conjugio
Hoieae prophetas cum meretrice, ex jufTu
Dei, ad Hof. i. Exft. in Menthenii thefau-
^ /? ro diflert. ad vet. Teft. pag. 938.
iSteuchus Eugubinus (Augujiinus.) Contra
Laur. Vallam de falfa donatione Conflan-
tC J' 3
tmi, libri duo. Lugduniy apud S. Gryphium,
1547- in 4-
'—De reftituenda navigatione Tiberis, ora¬
tio. Ibid, pag.iiy.
— De Aqua Virgine in urbem revocanda.
Lugdtim 1547. in 4.
Stevens (John.) Hiltory of the ancient ab¬
beys, monafteries, hofpitals, cathedral and^^././,
collegiate churches: being two additional
volumes to Sir Wm. Dugdale's Monafitcon
Anghcamm^ [vol. ift only*] Lond. 1722,
Stevens {John) Captain. The hiftory of Ba-,
varia, from the firll ages to the year lyoS.^'?-^^
Lond. 1706. in 8. Vide Carolus XIL R. '
Stevinus (Simon.) Hypomnemata mathema- ^,o_
tica, e Belgico in Latinum a W il. Sn. con- ^^^^
verfa: 2 torn. Ltigdani Bat. 160S. infol///i'.X4^
Stewarde {Robertus.J Continuatio hiftorise/J^'2.
Elienfis, _ab anno i486 ad 1554. Exjf. in"
Whartoni Anglia facra, torn. 1. pag. 6y^» ^
•*— Genealogia ejus, ab ipfomet confcripta.^'2-/'^l
Ibid. pag. 686. _^
Stewart (Duncan.) Hiftorical and genealo-/V7/l
gical account of the royal family of Scot-''^'' 1
land, from K. Kenneth TT. who conquer¬
ed the Pi6ts j and of the furnanie of
Stewart from the firft founder of that
name: To which is prefixed, a genealo¬
gical and chronological tree of the royal
-,^ family and name oi Stewart. Edinh. 1739.
TX/«4- ^_^
Stewart (Sir James.) Dirleton's doubts and/£/J^'
queftions in the law of Scotland refolved'^i//
and anfwered. Edinh. 1715. infol. //'>.
— Anfwer to a letter written by Myn Heer JJ-
Fagel, concerning the repeal of the ^QUdlco.a-
laws and tefls. Lond. i688. in 8.//..^ z^
-^_ Index or Abridgment of the Ads of Par- jj -
liament and Convention, from 1424 to *'
ty(yi. Edinh. 1702. in 12.
— The fame continued to the Union, anno
I joy. Edinh. lyoy. in 12.
—- Jus popuU vindicatum; or, The peoples-
right to defend themfelves and their co¬
venanted religion vindicated: being a full^
reply to the firft pare of the furvev of ^
Naphthali, &c. 1669. in S.M.y^td^
Stewart (Robert.) Eflay for a machine of
perpetual motion. Edinh. 1709. in 4. J^.j^t c,...
Stewart (Walter.) Colledions and obferva- /'-
tions methodiz'd, concerning.tbe worfhip^i;^^*^'^^
difcipline and government of the Church
of Scotland : in iv. books. Edinh. 1709*
in 4. /
Stewechius {Godefcakus.) De particulis lin- IT- 0-/4

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