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L^i^^mU -,, ,«fc ■ ., . m :.- ,..— .-,.* .. . ■ ■ —^ —- ... .. ■ - _
516 JBiMiotheae Facultatis Juridic^ Catalogus,
- Reardnablenefs of a Toleration enquir d
into, purely on Church principles \ in fe-
vcral letters. Lond. 1705. in 8.
- Preface to Drummond of Hawthorn-
den's works. Vide Drummond.
-^— His life. Vide Gillart.
* q>- 6^. 0/1 - Sage C Ic.) The hiftory of Gil Bias
of Santillane, tranflated from the French!
i toiTi. Lotid. 1^16. in 12.
Sagittarius (Cafpdr.) Dejanuis veterum li¬
ber fingularis. Accedunc iplius audoris
analeda luis locis inferta. £x/?. in Gr^evii
thefauro antiqq. Rom. torn. 6. col. 417.
-— Diflertatio de tiatalitiis raartyrum. Rq-
terodami \ 6^g. in 8.
-— Altera de nudipedalibus veterum. Ihtd,
pag. a 59.
-— De lancea qua perfofTum ChriftI latus.
Ex/l. in Menthenii thefauro diifertat. ad
noV. Tell. pag. 381.
Sain61:es CF. Claudius de.) De Euchariflise &
JMitr^ ritibus, ex operibus D. Jo. Chryfo-
Homi. Ei(Ji. cum SS. PP. liturgiis, pag.
Satnfonius (Joames.) Commentarius in con-
fuetudines Turonenfes, recognitus a Dio-
nylio Gothofredo. Exjl. cum Boerii con-
fuetudinibus Bituricenfibus. Francofitrti
1598. infol.
Ssint-Amant (George.) Hiftorical eflay on
the legiflative power of England: where¬
in the origine of both houfes of Parlia-
Jnent, their ancient conftitution, and the
changes that have happened in the per-
fons that compofed them, are related.
Lend. If IS- ^^ 8.
Saint-Amour (Louis Gorin de.) Journal de
ce qui s'eft fait a Rome dans 1 affaire des
cinq propofitions. 1662. infol.
•^-^ Recoeuil de diverfes pieces dont il eft:
parle dans ce journal, ou qui en regardent
ce matiere. Ibid, a la fin.
-— The fame Journal, rendered out of
French by Geo. Havers. Lond, 1664.
in fol.
Saint-Difdier (Alexandre ^loujfaint de Limo-
jon^ Sieur de.) La ville & la republique
de Venife. Paris 1680. in 12.
Sainte-Croix (Profper, Cardinal de) Nonce
du Pape Pie IV. Lettres 50. ecrites au
Cardinal Borromee, en Italien & en Fran¬
cois. Exfi. dans les fynodes nationaux
des eglifes reformees de France d'Aymon,
torn. I. in principio.
Sainte-Marthe. Vide Sammarthanus*
Saint-Evremont (Charles de St. Denis^ Sieur
de.) OEuvresmelees: 3 torn. Paris 165^3.
• in 8.
11/ fj
0 ■ ^■-)4
/ '?*■ 7
—^ Arguments of Monf. Herard for the
Duke of Mazarin againft Madam the Dut-
chefs of Mazarin his Ipoule: And the/^-*
Bum for Madam the Dutchels againft the
Duke her husband. Lond. 1699. in 8.
Saint-Hyacinthe {Panlde^ [fous le nom de-7^ / ■ • -
ChryfoftomeMatanafius.] Le chef d'oeuvre ^^ / •-
d'un inconnui Haye 1716. in 8. ^
Saint-Pierre {L'Jhbe de.) Project for fettling
an everlafting peace in Europe 5 firft pro-
pos'd by Henry IV. of France, and api
prov'd of by moft of the then Princes o_
Europe, now difcuffed at large and made
practicable. Lond. 1714. in 8.
Sala (Vincentius de.) Repetitio in 1. filiunt
quern, C. famil. ercifc. Exfi. inter repeti-
tiones in jure civili, torn. 7. fol. o^6y.
Salapufius (Sakator.) Oratio ad lynodum
Tridentinam. Exfi. in conciliis Labbei,
torn. 14. col. 1057*
Salas (Joannes de.) Tradatus de legibus in -rTrr^^j-
primam fecund^ S. Thom^. Lugduni'^^^^-^^^^V
1611, infol. jtfjj.n.
— Commentarii in fecundam lecundae D.
ThomsE de contradibus: five tradatus v.
de emptione, & venditione: de ufuris:
de cenlibus: decambiis: delude. Lug-
duni 1617. in 4.
Salazar (Trijlandus de.) Concilium Seno-
nenfe. Esft. in fpicilegio Dacherii, fo?«. 5,
pag. 584.
Salcobrigienfis (Hainricus.) Becano-Baculu9''^^Jj;»^rt
Salcobrigienlis: vel, refutatio Becanici ^\ '
examinis plagse Regiae, quoad orthodo'cV^'';'**^'
xam Proteftantium^.octrinam. Oppenhemii
1611, in 8. //.ZXiT.
Saldenus (Gulidmus.) De libris varioque-pr-^^r-V-
eorum ulu & abufu, libri duo. Jmfi. \(mJlc^j
— Chriftelijkekinder-fchool. Utrecht i668i^
Salemanfivls 7/K Gehh.) Jehova transfofTus*
diflertatio ad Zach. xii. 10. Exfl. m
Menthenii thefauro diflert. ad vet. TefL
Salernitana Schola. Vide Mediolano (Joan*
nes de.)
Salgado (Francifcus) de Somoza. Labyrin*
thus creditorum concurrentium ad litem
per debitorem communem inter illos cau- C. /^l6
fatam: 3 part. Francofurti 1663. infol. (j
Centuria decifionum noviilimarum S. ro* -^
tae Romanae, fpe6tantium ad materiam la- ^~*
byrinthi creditorum. Ibid.
— Eaedem deciliones. Aitverpia 1^56* K
—. Tradatus de fupplicatione ad fandifli-

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