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4.72 Bibliotheae Facultatis Juridiae Catalogus.
ee^O' "-l
intrinfick power deicribed. Edinh. 1701.
in 4.
— Prcsbyrerial government, as now efta-
^' ^. 2. /'blifljed 'and pratHfed in the Church of
" Scotland methodically dei'cribed. }idinb.
1703. in 4.
~ A brief examination for the time, of a
certain declaration lately put in print, in
the name and defence of certain Minilters
in London, refuling to wear the apparel
prefcrib'd by the laws and orders of the
realme. • in 4.
— Defence of the godly Minifters againft
the llanders of Dr. Bridges, in his anfwer
to the preface before the Diicourfe of ec-
clelialtical governnient: with a declarati¬
on of the Billiops proceeding againllthem.
■ 1587- in 4.
-- The unlawful praftices of the Prelates
againft godly Minifters the maintainers ot
the difcipline of God. Eaji. with the
Commonaltie's complaint. 1385.
'-f'X,-OuQJ'.A/).0''2c> — '^^^ grievances given in by the Mini-
jf Hers betbre the Parliament \oi Scotland]
J7I/, /. A/. 13 . holden in June 1633. Alfo propofitions
concerning kneeling before the bread in
the Sacrament,&c. ^^^S' ^^ 8.
A ferious and faithful reprelentation of
the judgments of Minillers of the Gofpel
within the province of London; contain¬
ed in a letter from them to the General
and his councel of war j delivered to his
Excellency, 8th January 1649. Lond. 1649.
in 4.
—— Vindication of the Minifters of the Go-
Ipel in and about London, from the un-
juft afperfions call upon their former act¬
ings for the Parliament, as if they had
promoted the bringing the King to capi¬
tal punifhment. 1649. in 4.
— Review of the grand cale of the prefent
JMiniftry, whether they may lawfully de¬
clare and fubfcribe, as by the late Ad of
^uniformity is required ? in reply to a book
entituled, A Ihort furveigh of the cafe,&c.
Lond. 1663. in 8.
— Apology for, or vindication of the op-
prelied perfecuted Minilters and Profef^
fors of the Presbyterian reform'd religion
in the Church of Scotland, &c. being
their teftimony to the covenanted work
of reformation, &c. • 1677. ^^^ 8.
hlci'^' 4-.
/. c.^A
Heads of agreement aflented to by the
united Miniiters in and about London,
formerly called Presbyterian and Congre-
gational. Lond. 1691. in 4.
fH.. 7. ^^— A Presbyterian getting on horfe-back;
or, The Difienters run mad in politiques»
Lond. 1717. in 8.
Preilon (James.) The hiilory of the world, ^
from the creation to the birth of Abr^^
ham : in 1 books. Edinb. lyoi. in 8. //i^.cy^<
— Memoirs of the prefent condition q£^^ ^
France; with a journal of the confederat&OaO^-/
army in the reducing Doway, Bethune,
St. Venant, and Air, in the year 1711.
Lond. 1711, in 8. ^l .
Prefton (John.) The new covenant, or thft;^
faints portion. Lond. 1655. ^» 4* ^^•^''^•^•fe/
Prevodus (AugHJlimis.) Carmina. £x/?. iiiy^fe
deliciis poetarum Gallorum, torn. 3. Pag,
Preuffius (Godofrediis.) AtyjroiJ.U fervi ne-,
xxiv. 51. Exf
dillertationum ad nov.
quam, ad Matth. xxiv. 5V. Exjf. in Men-"^'^'
thenii thefauro
Tell. pag. 185.
Priapeia j live veterum poetarum in Priapum
lufus. Exji. cum Virgilio Lucii, col. 2020. ^/'
— Et cum Virgilio Servii, edit. Venet. 1480.
— Et cum notis. Esft. cum Petronii Arbi-
tri fatyrico, edit. Liigd. 1608. pag. 161.
Pric^us (Joannes.)^ Commentarii in Pfalmos ^)jji j
& plerofque novi Tellamenti libros. £x/?* ^ *i
in criticis facris, torn. 3. 4. 7. 8.
Price (John.) The myitery and method of
the Reltoration laid open. Lond. 1680. in 8.
Price (fhomas.) Letter to the Bilhop of St. 77/
Afaph, concerning his hiftorical account
of the Church government of G. Britain.
MS. in 4.
Prideaux (Humphrey.) Validity of the Or-//
ders of the Church of England, made
out againft the objedions of Papifts. Exjf.
Protcftants againft Papifts, vol. ic^. mm.^.
Lond. 1688. in 4.
— Ecclefiaftical trads: viz. i. The vali^,^
dity of the Orders of the Church of Eng-'
land. 1. The juftice of the prefent efta-
blilhed law, which gives the liicceflbr in
any ecclefiaftical benefice all the profits li,
from the day of avoidance. 3. An award
of K. Charles L «Src. fliewing that per-
fonal tithes are ftill due by the law of the
land, &c. Loud. 1716. in 8.
— Thankfgiving fermon, 3d Decembet
1702. Ibid. pag. 381.
— The original and right of tithes, for the ? „
maintenance of the miniftry in a Chriftian V^
Church, truly ftated. Lond. 1713. /'» 8.
— Draught of a Bill prepar'd to have bee.,
offered to the Parliament anno 1691, for
reftraining of pluralities of benefices, with
cure of louls: with reafons for the fame.
— Life

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